Delete flight or flight plan

Delete flight or flight plan

Please note that for the deletion of lines in the Consol flight plan it is at the moment only decisive in which line the cursor is located! This line will then be deleted.


Delete flight plan via header data

Via Delete line in the Edit menu

Please make sure that you are in the header area of the Consol flight plan with the cursor and click on the Delete line command in the Edit menu.


Delete flight in the search results mask

Via Delete line in the context menu

If you want to delete a certain specific flight in the flight plan, please mark the corresponding line you want to delete - this refers to a flight.

You are on the search results screen of the Consol flight plan and from here you can click on the Delete line entry in the context menu:

  • Flight plans without assigned MAWBs are deleted without further warning.
    The MAWB number will not be removed from the file.

  • The same applies if a MAWB number has been added but has already been assigned to a file.

  • If the consol flight plan contains MAWB numbers that have not been used yet, the system will issue a query asking whether you would like the delete the data nonetheless:

You can decide whether to


You can decide whether to


→ delete the flight plan and return the unused MAWB number in the stock


→ delete the flight plan and NOT return the unused MAWB number into the stock


→ cancel


  • If a MAWB number has already been assigned for the line to be deleted and has also been assigned to a file, the system first asks whether the data should really be deleted and then issues the following message:

→ If you click Yes, the line will be deleted, but the MAWB number will not be removed from the corresponding position.
→ If you click No, the action is canceled and the line is not deleted from the Consol flight plan.