Set up Advanced Options: Billing Categories

Set up Advanced Options: Billing Categories

In MASTER DATA → BILLING CATEGORIES → CONDITION TYPES → EFORWARDING SETTINGS the conditions that are used in eForwarding are set.

Field name


Field name



Checkbox enabled = Visible in the eForwarding.

Equipment only

Checkbox enabled = Condition is visible on the Equipment tab in eForwarding.

Used mots

Limitation on the recorded MOTs.

Possible input: air, sea, road, rail, barge, kep.
No input: visible for all

Separate more than one MOT using a comma.

Used content type

Limitation on the Content Type.

Possible input: fcl, lcl.
No input: visible for all

Group name

Free text.

Several conditions with the same groupname are shown separately.


Preallocates the condition with a value.

Possible input: true, false bei yes or No Based conditions.

  • True = preallocated with yes (Checkbox on the surface is activated)

  • False = preallocated with no (Checkbox on the surface is not activated)

When using selection based conditions the value has to be entered in the field Possible values (key=value).

No input:

  • no preallocation

  • not relevant for the search, all rates are shown


Checkbox enabled = The field on the surface is no required field.


Free text.

Additional information for the user.