Mask editor

Mask editor

Authorization object: MASKGEN

We would like to point out that only administrators should be allowed to create mask sets.



Mask editor tabs

The mask editor consists of the following tabs:

  • Mask set creation tab
    Here are all the main masks with their assigned tabs and some sub-masks.
    New main masks are created, edited or removed in the mask set creation.
    Start here if you want to create or view or edit masks.

  • Mask set control tab
    The mask set control controls which mask sets are shown in which modes, sections, main and sub departments for which client and branch when you create a corresponding order.
    Mask set control can additionally be provided for specific customers (addresses) or B/L types.

  • Additional mask fields tab
    Here, additional fields in the form of fields or checkboxes can be added to the masks.

Buffer storage

To improve performance, the masks are cached.

The storage is done per user in the directory %APPDATA%\CargoSoft\MaskBuffer
(Examle: c:\Users\mmustermann.CARGOSOFT\AppData\Roaming\CargoSoft\MaskBuffer).
There are subdirectories per database and client.

The memory is kept up to date by a time stamp. As soon as a change is saved in the mask editor, the timestamp increases and the memory is cleared. The other users must restart the program or perform a client change.

The timestamp is stored here: global_sett_t, key: MASKBUFFER_VERSION.

The entry can be manually changed or deleted to refresh the memory.