Reduce mask sets to a few tabs

Reduce mask sets to a few tabs


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Reduce tabs in the order to a minimum

Using the mask set editing, the fields used in the order in your company can be moved in the order processing (for an area, for a client ... or basically) in as few tabs as possible.

The tabs (here: masks) that are no longer used can be removed by deactivating them.

As a result, your order may consist of only a few tabs and a few clicks.

This is illustrated by an example for the sea freight mode in the export area.

Create new mask set


Initial mask: Maindata (tab) with standard mask


In the standard mask set the tabs

  • Maindata

  • (Import)

  • Goods description

  • Consolidation

  • Transport

  • Addresses

  • Statistics

  • Oceanbooking

  • Additional fields

are available with standard masks.

Edit header data tab and select screen mask

All addresses can be moved to the header data tab.

Pls activate the mask editing in the maindata tab via the context menu.

Move addresses 1 to 4 and edit further fields on this tab as requested.

Select Add fields in the toolbox.

Select screen mask Addresses/All fields.

Then addresses 5 to 9 are dragged and dropped into the Maindata tab.

Call screen mask Statistics and drag the required fields into the tab.

Select Finish mask editing in the context menu. 

Save mask with a new name

Choose a descriptive name for this tab/mask with the new header data.

If you are working within a mask set, there will be another prompt asking if the mask set should also be saved.

Select masks for tabs and disable tabs

The tabs/masks Transport, Addresses, Statistics and Additional fields have been deactivated, so they are not displayed in the order.

The Consolidation, OceanBooking and GAT Invoicing tabs cannot be disabled.
→  Where the Consolidation tab is enabled or disabled depending on the B/L type.

The EDI status and status request tabs are required if data from external providers is to be read into CargoSoft via EDI interfaces.
→  Otherwise, these can also be deactivated.

image2022-1-27_12-1-57-20240327-080643.png Edit tab order

Select Edit mask to open toolbox  

In order for the removed fields to be disregarded and the new fields to be tabbed in the new order, the tab order of the fields must be re-sorted.

To do this, edit the mask and click the Tab order button via the toolbox.

How to edit the tab order is explained under Functions of the toolbox.

Click the OK button (DO NOT sort selection) and get a query aout saving the mask: YES now saves the tab order for the new mask.