Mask set control tab

Mask set control tab


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Set up Mask set control tab

To add a line to the mask set control, click right and select Add/Insert line.

Here you have to define when and for whom the mask set control applies.

→ Only mask sets with matching sector and mode or the mask type are displayed.

Meaning of the columns

The sorting of the mask sets is of crucial importance so that the correct set is drawn when new positions are created !





Field Mask type

The mask type decides from which category the mask set is proposed.



The sorting determines in which order the mask sets are queried.
The first is checked first, the second is checked next and so on.

Therefore, it’s important to hold your special masks at top, followed by general masks.
As soon as the first condition is fulfilled, no more sets are queried.

The sorting can be changed via the arrows in the head-line of the sort column (order arrows).

I.e.: If your general mask set is in line 3 and your customer-specific set is in line 7, the general mask set is taken. If no suitable mask set is found, the default mask set is selected.

  • If no suitable mask set is found, the default mask set is automatically selected.



Here you can define the client to whom the mask set is to apply.
If you leave this field empty, it applies to all clients.


Here you can define the branch to which the mask set should apply.
If you leave this field empty, it applies to all branches.


Here the mask sets' mode is defined.
Once a mode has been selected, the selection of this mask set is limited to this mode.


Here the mask sets' sector is defined.
Once a sector has been selected, the selection of this mask set is limited to this sector.

Main department

Here you can define the main department for which the mask set is to apply.
If you leave this field empty, it applies to all main departments.

Sub department

Here you can define the sub department for which the mask set should apply.
If you leave this field empty, it applies to all sub departments.


Here you can define the customer to whom the mask set is to apply.
Here you can insert the address type and number.

If this client is selected when a new order is created and no other rule prevents this, this mask set will be loaded only for this one client. 

Customer field in order creation window:
Please note: If the client is changed in the order, the mask may change as well.
This happens immediately when another address number (or match code) is entered or when the Customer checkmark is moved to another address.

Mask set

Here the mask set is selected for which this regulation is to apply.

Only main masks from the mask set installation are used here.

Save Mask set control

New or modified masks should be saved.

You can save via File → Save or by quitting the mask set control tab.

A popup appears and asks, if you want to save.

Delete Mask set

To delete a mask set you’ll have to right-click on the line and select Delete line.

Copy Mask set

To copy a mask set you’ll have to right-click a line and select Copy line.

The copied line appears at the end of the list.

QM Card

For the creation of a mask set control select [QM-Card] in field mask type

Here you can define the mask set control for the QM cards.
Mode and sector are no required fields.
Otherwise, the function is the same as for the order masks.

Service orders

For the creation of a mask set control select [Services] at mask type.

Here you can define the mask set control for the Services tab.
Mode and sector are no required fields.
Otherwise, the function is the same as for the order masks.