Price information: Instant Quote

Price information: Instant Quote


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General page information

Clicking the Next button or pressing the Enter key opens the next input mask.

If not all mandatory fields are filled, this is shown in the red bar when the Next button is pressed.


Clicking the Back button opens the previous input mask.

For setting certain display options and search criteria, see Master data eForwardingRate Search and Results.

Route tab

Enter the data relevant to transport in accordance with the following sub chapters.

Question mark

The question mark behind a field provides information about the type of input expected.



Mode of Transport

The mode of transport (MOT) must be selected.

By default, all available MOTs are active.

By clicking the All button, all MOTs are deactivated and the required MOTs can be checked individually.

Transport Date

The transport date has to be entered.

There is a selection between the Depature and Arrival Date.

As default the departure date is preallocated with the current day.
The date can be manually entered in the format dd.mm.yyyy.
Alternative the date can be chosen by clicking on the calendar icon.



When entering locations, suitable locations are suggested via drop-down.

In the fields Departure country and Arrival country, the countries can be entered as well as searched by UN County Code.
A suitable selection is made.

Departure country and Arrival country are not required fields.
If the country is entered, just suitable cities will be displayed in the fields Departure Location and Arrival Location.

Cities can be entered completely but can also be entered per ZIP Code, UN Location code, airport code or rail code – depending on the used MOT.

The fields Departure Location and Arrival Location are required fields.


In eForwarding, it is also possible to search for a specific route section within the entered place of origin and final destination, which are defined by the Incoterms.

Accordingly, the predefined sideletters with entered from Incoterm (Site Origin/Destination) are added or subtracted depending on the search for the price calculation.

If CFR is entered as the start Incoterm, the entered via point is regarded as the start location.

Equipment tab

Enter data relevant to the goods.

Transport Type

The transport type has to entered.

FCL/FTL: Full container load/Full truck load for Container or complete truck shipments.
LCL/LTL/Pieces: Less container load/Less truck load/Number of Pieces

As per selection defined fields are displayed in the section Equipment List.

Measurement Units

In this section the weight and measurement units can be changed with clicking on the dropdown icon.

Default preallocation is kg and cm. Possible is also lbs (pound) and in (inch).

Equipment List

The Measurement Units Weight and Length are preallocated with kg and cm, these preallocations can be changed to lbs and inch when the transport type is LCL.

The fields are to be filled according to the selected Transport Type.

The goods can either be entered per line or in several lines with clicking the button +Add Equipment.


* = required fields


Conditions tab

On this tab additional data to the shipment can be made, e.g. service type and commodity.

These can be optional or required fields – depending on the configuration.

When all data is filled, the calculation starts with clicking the button Calculate.

Prices tab: display of determined rates

The calculated rates are displayed in the middle area.

The sorting can be changed using the dropdown selection under Sort by.

The choices are:

  • Price ascending

  • Price descending

  • Transit Time ascending

  • Transit Time descending

Is no selection is made, the default sorting is price ascending.

Buttons in Prices and Search Summary





Search Summary

The details of the requested

  • MOT

  • route

  • departure

  • equipment

  • conditions and

  • not specified (undefined conditions) are shown separately in the box Search Summary on the right side of the window appear.

Start New Search

Here the previous query can be rejected and searched for again using the Start New Search button.

Sign In to see rate details

To see the rate details the user has to be logged in or has to log in with the button Sign In.

Sign in & re-calculate

Sign in & re-calculate is used for login and the simultaneous recalculation of the rates.

If a user is not logged in, the user only sees the generally valid rates- but there may also be special, customer-related rates, so a recalculation may be necessary.

Sign in & Book

With clicking the buttons Sign in & Book a booking can be transmitted to the forwarder, when logged in.

Button Rate details

Is the user already logged in, the rates details can be displayed with clicking on the button Rate Details.

The rate details are expanded.

Click the button Back to List to return to the results.

With clicking the button Book now a booking is transmitted to the forwarder.

Contact in case of unavailable prices

The user has the possibility to contact the system owner if there are no rates for a search request.

Therefore the user has to be logged in. If he is not, the user has to log in first.

Contact your team

With clicking the button Contact our team a popup opens.


The field Subject is already filled with Request for Custom Rate.

Your message

Enter the message to the system owner in the box below Your Message.


With clicking Submit the email is sent to the system owner.


For requests or help there is a box Support on the right sidebar.

Here an email to the system owner can be sent. Click Contact Form.

Contact form

With clicking the button Contact Form a window opens.


The fields Name and Email have to be filled, if the user is not logged in.
If the user is logged in these fields are preallocated.


A subject has to be selected in the drop down Subject

Your message

Enter the message in the box below Your Message.


With clicking the button Submit an E-Mail ist transmitted to the system owner.

The system owner receives a messages containing first name, family name, email of the sender and mail text.