Administration of Loading devices


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Adjust packaging codes

In the basic data ORDER → PACKAGING CODES, you can set a flag for the loading devices that are exchanged.
→ For this, activate the checkbox Exchangeable.

Loading devices with this flag appear in the program BOOK LOADING DEVICES.

It is not possible to additionally book all other loading devices in the module.

Booking logic

The contractor usually corresponds to the haulier.
Thus, the contractor is usually pre-assigned with the address number of the haulier from the tour.
→ You have the option to enter different addresses.

The following cases of the pallet application are possible:

Rules that always apply:

  • Pallet account from the shipper is always credited (and debited for the pallet exchange).

  • Pallet account from the consignee is always debited (and credited for the pallet exchange).

new_image2019-3-20_14-21-22-20240327-085917.png = One booking

Case 1

  • Contractors are debited.

  • Outbound/inbound hubs are debited.

Normal Tour:


Direct Tour:


Case 2

  • Contractors are debited.

  • Outbound/inbound hubs are not

Normal Tour:

Direct Tour:

Case 3

  • Contractors are not debited.

  • Outbound/inbound hubs are debited.

Normal Tour:

Direct Tour:

Case 4

  • Contractors are not debited.

  • Outbound/inbound hubs are not debited.

Normal Tour:

= Direct Tour

Direct Tour:

Case 5

  • Shipper and consignee are not debited/credited.

    →No loading devices are booked.

It is generally possible to use the different cases in a combined operation without distorting the result.
Requirement for this is the constant that it is always booked to the shipper and consignee.

General information on the booking

One booking is entered per line.

The booking is always carried out from a shipper to the contractor or from the contractor to a consignee.
I.e. booking from a shipper to a consignee looks as follows:

Pallet  note number



Loading device




PS 1001



Euro pallets

Shipper 1


The account of shipper 1 is credited in the first line.
The account of the contractor is debited.

PS 1002



Euro pallets



The account of consignee 1 is debited in the second line.
The account of the contractor is credited.