Tour schedule in the Road order

Tour schedule in the Road order


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Mask of the Tour schedule

Recurring tours are created in the tour schedule.

This is for overview purposes and serves for the further use in the tour templates.

The tour template looks as follows:

  • In the upper section, you can search for tours. Fill your search criteria and start the search with F3.
    You can expand the search area with a click on the arrow in the top left.
    The search parameter can be saved to be able to open them from the local menu.

  • In the centre, you can enter the data sets.
    For this, select the local menu entry Add line or Insert line.
    Please enter all desired fields (see below).

  • In the lower section, you can edit one or more selected data sets simultaneously (multi edit).

Field description Tour schedule





Tour name

It is recommended to assign an informative tour name.

The tour name is displayed in the tour template and in the tour search.
Newly created tours also receive this tour name.

Tour type

Here you can assign the tour type.

Available for selection are

  • SD

  • LD national

  • LD international or a

  • blank entry.

Outbound hub

Entry of the outbound hub.

→ This is a required field.

Inbound hub

Entry of the inbound hub.

→ This is a required field


Entry of the sector.


Indication of the agent of a tour.

This is the address type, the address number, and the name.
The address number is a search field. Here you can search in the address basic data.


Indication of the haulier of a tour.

This is the address type, the address number, and the name.
The address number is a search field. Here you can search in the address basic data.


It is possible to pre-assign a specific vehicle of a company (if desired).

Select a vehicle from the dropdown menu.

SD Route

Entry of the SD route.

LD Route

Entry of the LD route.

Dangerous goods

Set the checkmark if this is a dangerous goods tour.

Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa, Su

Here you can determine on which days of the weeks the tour is/can be valid.

These checkmarks are evaluated in the tour creation.

Loading time from

Here you can pre-assign the loading time from.

Loading time to

Here you can pre-assign the loading time to.

Unloading time from

Here you can pre-assign the unloading time from.

Unloading time to

Here you can pre-assign the unloading time to.

Valid from

In this field, you can enter the validity from.

Valid to

In this field, you can enter the validity to.

Tours are only created in the selected validity timeframe.

For the greatest possible overview, you can deposit all possible tours, save filters, and always know which internal or external tours are available by means of the storable search.
This is how you can create a large tour stock.