


Opening the program Disposition


View of a Disposition tab

The main overview of the Disposition consists of three sections.


View of the section Tours in the Disposition

Here you can search for tours or interact with found tours.
→ This is also a drag and drop section to assign shipments to a tour.

The search fields appear when you click on the burger button to the left of Tours:

View of the section Shipments/Legs in the Disposition

Here you can search for shipments or interact with found shipments.
→ This is also a drag and drop section to assign shipments to a tour.  

The search fields appear when you click on the burger button to the left of Shipments/legs:

View of the section Tour info/Shipments on Tour in the Disposition

This section displays all routes already included in the selected tour.
→ Here you can also generally interact with routes on a tour.

  • The currently activated section is indicated with a bold font in the upper section.


    Not activated:   

General functions in the 3 sections

General functions are available for all sections.


Select a line, a tour, or a leg in a tour and select File → Print or File → Instant Printing from the menu.
A mask similar to the form tab in the order entry opens.

Select the desired form(s) and confirm with OK.

Multiple selection is also possible for the print.
The print orders are processed subsequently.  

The data sets for the documents that are to be printed either come directly from the leg or the tour.

Please note the possible branching of the tour of the included legs. The table eastrecke_v is suitable for the branching.

Enlarge/reduce sections

It is possible to move the edges of the section and therefore enlarge or reduce the individual sections.

Move the cursor over the bar marked in red so that a left-right arrow ← || → or an up-down arrow appears.

Press and hold it with the left mouse key and move the bar.

Global refresh

To update all sections of the disposition at once, please press the F5 key.

The tours and shipments/legs are updated with the current search parameter.

Search function in the disposition

The search function in the disposition can be shaped individually.

This applies to the tour search, the shipments/legs search and the status module.

Different search operators are used and the search can thus be individually saved, opened and used.