If your shipment is or contains dangerous cargo, pls set the checkmark in the Dangerous goods box.
Entering the customer is optional.
The address specified here is immediately adopted in the order and the Customer checkmark is set. The address is pre-assigned into the address field with the customer checkmark. This is helpful for mask sets and required fields created for this customer.
By selecting this application item, you have the option to copy a file.
If you copy a shipment, a new total route is also created for this shipment.
Click on OK to confirm the file creation. The sequential number of the new file is not yet assigned at this point.
In the event that this button remains light gray and cannot be edited, the program lacks important basic data entries such as authorizations or mandatory fields.In this case, contact your system administrator.
No new file number is created.
Transport tab in the Shipment
On this tab you can map the entire transport route from door to door.
Both the planned and the actual data can be entered.
Some data that has already been recorded in the header data is pre-assigned here.
If the address changes after entering the pick-up date, time and final destination, the data is appended to the changed address and is retained. A new entry is not necessary.
CMR in the Shipment
On theWaybills tab you can create and print waybills, such as CMRs.