Description of goods in the Airfreight Consol

Description of goods in the Airfreight Consol


Links to further information

Goods description after consolidation







The entries in fields Pieces and Weight are calculated once you add shipments.

Nature of Goods

The field Nature of Goods is filled according to basic data entries.

VWeight (kg)

The volume weight in the consol is calculated with all dimensions of the consolidated HAWBs.
If a HAWB does not contain dimensions, the chargeable weight of the HAWB will be added to the chargeable weight o the consol.

All fields can be edited.

Attention: Rates cannot be entered (manually or automatically) before you have opened the Goods description tab.

Rate recalculation

If the automatic rate determination is active, the system will recalculate rates once you change the chargeable weight or select the local menu item Recalculate rates.

Separate lines for DGR and STD goods:
In AIR Parameters you can decide whether DGR and STD goods are to be entered in separate lines of the consol.
All DGR HAWBs and all remaining STD HAWBs are added up.
The consol goods description now contains 2 lines; you can thus enter different rates.

Function: Accept CWT from GWT on consolidation

The checkbox For consolidation load GWT into CWT can be found in basic data AIRFREIGHT → AIR PARAMETER → Consol tab.

Both - the actual weight and volume weight - will be entered in the Goods description tab of the consol (no 1:6). → This setting applies to all consols of the branch.

Dimensions sub tab

Display HAWB dimensions in the consol

On the Consolidation tab in the consol file: The dimensions of the HAWBs that were added to the consol are displayed on the sub tab Dimensions.