Example of a CASS transfer

Example of a CASS transfer

Basic data

Links to further information


The header data are pre-assigned automatically. For this, CASS address (and, if necessary, the IGLU address) must be recorded in basic data COMPANY INVOICING.

The field for the voucher number is only available if the invoice number is assigned manually - not automatically with a number range.
The number range is the usual number range that is also used in the incoming invoicing.

Here you can also enter a reference number or posting text.

The currency, invoice amount, tax amount and invoice date come from the CASS file.

The booking period is determined automatically based on the invoice date.

In basic data COMPANY → INVOICING you can determine whether the booking period is to be based on the invoice date of the CASS file or the billing period.
The invoice date is usually the 15th of the following months. The booking periods therefore differ by one month.

The booking period can only be entered manually if this is permitted for incoming invoices.
Double click into the field to open the search mask.
Click OK to save the invoice.

  1. If the invoice should not yet be saved, you can still cancel the invoicing at this point in time!

  2. If there are still errors in the invoicing, e.g. because

  • the remaining amount is not 0 or

  • the Accept differences in accruals (payables) field is not filled in lines with accruals or

  • the tax amounts in the individual billing lines do not correspond to the tax amount in the header data,

     the invoice is only saved but not booked in the account sheet - as is the case when entering an incoming

  1. If this is the reason why the invoice should not be saved yet, you can still cancel the saving process.



An incoming voucher that has not been booked needs to be edited in the incoming invoicing.
Open the order proccessing and open and edit the voucher via Environment menu Invoicing Payables.

Example of  CASS invoice in Payables that has not been booked:


Saving the CASS invoice may take a few minutes since the program needs to save all billing lines, dissolve accruals and, if necessary, create difference lists!

If the voucher number is assigned through a number range, this number range will be blocked during that time!

After you have saved, the voucher number will appear in the overview (search result).

The status of the file is set to Invoiced!.

The data from the CASS file can only be viewed, no longer edited.