Search net rates


This mask is divided into 4 parts.

  1. Search fields

  2. Rates with calculation

  3. Other charges

  4. All weightbreaks per rate line


Enter search criteria - section (1)

Enter the required search criteria and start the search with F3. Some fields such as Carrier, DEP, DES, and Service contain search masks that can be accessed via F2 or double click. The validity period is pre-assigned with the current date.

Display airfreight rates - section (2)

This section displays rates matching the search criteria.
A green or red status is displayed next to the validity period.

  • Green : This rate is valid during the entire search range.

  • Red    : This rate is only valid during part of the search range.

1kg is used by default if you have not entered any weight in the search.

  • The field Rate shows the rate that was determined.

  • The field Freight shows the result of weight x rate.

  • The rate line also shows fuel and security in sum.
    Please note:
    The billing codes for fuel and security must be recorded with IATA charge codes MY (Fuel) and SC (Security) in the basic data.

The column Total shows the sum of freight + fuel + security.

If you have entered a weight in your search and the system is able to find a cheaper rate with the next weightbreak, the rate line will display the cheaper weightbreak.



Function in all search results: Click on the column headers to sort the result.

Show other charges - section (3)

This section shows all valid other charges.
There may be multiple valid lines for the indicated validity period.

You can activate the checkboxes of Fuel and Security.
The active line is included in the calculation of the upper rate line.
The checkmarks can be chagned if necessary.
All other other charges are displayed as well.
There is no calculation in the rate line.

The other charges are displayed for the rate line selected in section 2.

Weightbreaks per rate line - section (4)

The entire rates are displayed once again in the lower section.
The line selected in section 2 is highlighted in color in the lower section.
Here you can see the rates for all weightbreaks.

eRates tab

IATA Rates tab

Customer rates tab