Consolidation Airfreight Export

Consolidation Airfreight Export


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Consolidate - search HAWBs for a consol

You can add the AWB types

  • HAWB,

  • MHAWB and

  • SMAWB (receive) to a Consol AWB.

Open the Consolidation tab in the AWB Main tab.

In the context menu select the entry Select HAWBs.


The menu item Select HAWBs immediately opens a search result.

The system automatically searches for all HAWB, MHAWB and SMAWB not yet loaded to the destination entered in Consol. → Further automatic search criteria can be set via the AIR parameter.

Attention: The search result contains only files in which an AWB number is recorded!


No goods description available

No AWB number available

Show OVL status (overlength)

In the search result in the column OVL (Overlength Cargo) OVL is displayed, because packages with overlengths were entered - this means that in the HAWBs goods description the code OVL was set: image-20240320-095421.png

Display ZAPP Air status

The following values are displayed in the column Zapp Air status of the search result. This is the status of the HAWB: image-20240320-095403.png

  • VA - Preregistration

  • GI - Gate in

  • FR - Release

  • FE - Error

  • EL - Complete

Show Destination agent

The destination agent is displayed in the search result.

If HAWBs of different Destination Agents are selected and attempted to be taken over, a warning message is displayed asking whether to proceed.

Consolidate – change search for HAWBs

To search for other shipments for the Consol, change the search criteria.
In the search result, click on the Search criteria tab or click on the New search ... button.
On the Search criteria tab, customize your search.
The search is triggered with the Search button or F3.

Understanding the default search mask

In the search mask, your branch office, the gateway and/or the MAWB number may be suggested.

The Arrival AP Loading date field is always suggested as a search criterion.

The default values are set in the AIR PARAMETER in the Consol tab:

Limit search for arrival date at the airport

The date Arrival at Port/Airport of loading, which is recorded on the Transport tab of the HAWB, is displayed in the search result for consolidation.

The search mask pre-assigns this date as a search criterion.

The result will show all HAWB files in which the date is either before this date or blank.

Accept HAWBs into the consol

Select files from the search result by activating their checkboxes in the first column.
Number of pieces, weight and volume of the selected files are added up and displayed in the Total select line.
Confirm with Accept.

Display and selection of the HAWBs available to add to the consol:

If no MAWB number has been assigned to the Consol up to this point, a prompt for generating the AWB number appears.

Confirm with YES or NO.

The program will ask if you want to update the attached HAWBs when accepting the shipments.

(This is a master data setting - no query may be made, the program may update automatically or not at all).

During an update, the destination, flight number and flight date are written from Consol to the HAWBs.

Display of the consolidated HAWB:

The selected HAWBs are displayed on the Consolidation tab.

The quantity and the calculated weight are automatically written into the goods description.
We therefore recommend to always enter dimensions in the HAWBs.

If a HAWB does not contain dimensions, the system will issue a warning when you accept this HAWB into the consol.
The chargeable weight as entered in the HAWB is inserted and added to the chargeable weight of the consol.

Consolidation - Add shipments by scanning

You can also scan HAWBs to simplify the compilation of the consol.

HAWB numbers printed as a barcode on the HAWB (or elsewhere) can be scanned with a handheld scanner.

To scan the HAWBs, select the context menu entry Scan/register HAWBs on the Consolidation tab.

A new mask opens. Now you can scan the HAWBs.

The focus of the cursor lies in the field House AWB.

You also have the option to type in the HAWB numbers manually.

Printing the barcode on the HAWB requires a separate configuration (subject to charge).

  • This requires the use of Crystal Reports AWB (laser print). 

  • The font IDAutomation128 should be used for the barcode.

Simplified consolidation

You can enter a consol fila via Environment → GLA → GLA Create new files.

Here you have the option to create a simplified consol file.

If you create the airfreight consol file through the simplified consoliation in the GLA file entry mask, the memo of the HAWBs will be displayed in the consol by default.

If you do not want to display the HAWB memo in the consol, deactivate the checkbox Display in consol in the memo of the HAWB.