Display check result

Display check result


Links to further information

Successful check - SPX

If the check is successful, SPX is shown as the security status next to the address field.

Under the SPX, it is displayed whether the check involved a known shipper (KC) or a regulated agent (RA).

The check is successful if the validation number deposited in the address exists in the EU database and is valid.


Check not successful - Unsecure

If the check is not successful, UNKNOWN or UNSECURE is displayed next to the address.

If no, or an invalid validation number is stored in the address basic data, the status is set to UNSECURE.


Display check result in the SYS Log

An entry is made in the SYS Log of the respective file (for every address checked).

Date, time, status, login, address number and validation number are stored.
The details can be seen in the Info tab → SYS Log tab.

Check with user confirmation

The validation result of the security check of an address is displayed in TMS directly next to the address.

In the basic data AIRFREIGHT → AIR PARAMETER, you have the option to define that the user has to confirm the security check: [Union database request with user confirmation].

This concerns check variants W und (pls see below Set security status in the AWB).

In case of a successful check, the user then has to examine and confirm the address data of the address entered in the order and those from the EU database.

A new mask displays the address entered in the order including the validation number as well as the result from the EU database.

  • If the user confirms with YES, the secure status is assigned to the address in the order.

  • If the user clicks NO, the address in the order is classified as UNSECURE.

The user’s response and the address entered in the order are saved in the SYS Log.
It is thus possible to see which address data are available at the time of the security check.

The result from the EU database is also saved in the eFile of the order.

If the security check issues an invalid or non-existent validation number, the address is classified as UNSECURE.
The user does not need to compare the addresses.

When overwriting the address lines in the order, the application clears the status in the address. This also happens in case of variant A.

If the application overwrites address lines of the PUP address, the security status on the AWB Main tab is set to UNSECURE.
This modification is also saved in the SYS Log.

In this case, the user needs to manually start a check against the EU database (via the context menu in the header data).