Description of goods tab Airfreight Import

Description of goods tab Airfreight Import


Basic data


Record package line

Attention: The 1st line of the goods description must be a package line!

By entering a number and a weight, the so-called package line is automatically created.

→ Dimensions and dangerous goods data can be recorded for EACH package line!

Record text line

Text lines allow text to be written across the entire line.

Field TXT: Activate the checkbox TXT to turn the line into a text line.

Up to 100 characters per line can be recorded here in proportional font.
→ Please note that due to this, the lines may be of different lengths.
→ Proportional font means that an X takes up more space in width than an I.

Text modules (AWB texts) are available in the text lines.


Field description 






Clicking on the checkbox TXT opens a text line.

Text can be entered over the entire line (max. 100 characters).


Enter the number of packages in the Piec. (=Pieces).


Enter the actual weight in the Weight field.


Note: The k/l field defaults to [k] = kilos.

If the unit of the recorded weight is pounds/lbs, change it to [l].


Rate class → pls see Select rate class.

Skip ahead with the TAB key.

I. If automatic rate determination is activated, an attempt is made to determine the air freight rates. → These are entered immediately.

II. After having completed point I, you will automatically get to the dimensions section. Enter your dimensions. CargoSoft calculates the CWT = ChargeableWeight and enters it in the goods description line.

III. If the CWT changes due to the recording of the dimensions, another automatic rate determination will take place. → This only happens the first time the file/dimensions are created.

In the goods description, the rates (IATA rate, net rate and customer rate) are determined automatically or can be entered manually.


Enter a commodity code in the Comm. field so that it is printed in the AWB.


Chargeable Weight

Decimal places are displayed according to programmed rounding, i.e. one digit after the decimal point with rounding to 0 or 5.


Packaging code


For the field goods code Code, match codes with goods descriptions can be stored in the master data.

Instead of the Code DGR, you can also enter the dangerous goods data on the Dangerous goods sub-tab.

Nature of Goods

= text field 

You can insert the Rate Class, Rate and Nature of Goods in each goods description line (no text line).


Entry of cbm.

→ Alternatively, click on the sub tab Dimensions.
    The dimensions entered on this tab calculate the cbm.
    CargoSoft automatically enters the result into the field Volume.

Dimensions sub tab - record dimensions

Dimensions can be entered for each package line - to do this, switch to the Dimensions sub-tab.

The fields pieces, length, width and height are mandatory fields.

If the dimensions are entered, the volume is calculated and transferred to the Volume field in the Description sub-tab.

Basically, the volume ratio is read from the AIR parameters (1:6).

If an airline uses a different volume ratio, this must be changed accordingly in the master data AIR FREIGHT → CARRIER.

Dimensions that are filled in the mask are printed in the AWB depending on the setting of the print parameters, whereby the available space is also calculated and considered by the programme.

Before you start entering the dimensions, the unit of the dimensions can be selected via the cm/in field - the default is cm.

Alternatively, you can record the dimensions in inches (in).
→ It is not possible to mix the unit for several lines.
    If you start recording in cm, all further lines must also be recorded in cm.

Use several lines in dimensions

If the number of packages is >1, it is possible to enter dimensions per package.

By jumping with the tab key, another line opens after completing the first volume line until the number of packages specified above is reached.

If a change is made afterwards, you can work with Add Line or Delete Line via the context menu.

Below the dimension lines, the sum of the registered packages is displayed for information purposes.

→ It is not possible to enter more packages than are entered in the package line.

Cancel dimensions

Lines in the dimension sub tab can be cancelled.

You can delete individual volume lines or all entered lines via the context menu.

To delete a single line, first click on the line you want to delete.

The volume in the Description sub-tab is not removed - the information remains.

Dangerous goods sub tab

The Dangerous goods sub tab is available for every package line in the goods description.

Double click to access the dangerous goods basic data.

Customs sub tab

Here you can enter further details. These tabs pre-assign single administrative documents on the Customs tab.

These tabs are barely used since most customs procedures are done with ATLAS.

Calculation sub tab

Here you can enter further details. These tabs pre-assign single administrative documents on the Customs tab.

These tabs are barely used since most customs procedures are done with ATLAS.

HS Codes sub tab

By double-clicking on the HS number field, you can access stored master data Seafreight → Dakosy → HS codes.

A manual entry is possible. There is no check against the master data.

Additional fields sub tab

Additional fields can be configured in the basic data by your administrator.

These fields can be used for the entry of marks in the import sector.

These fields are text fields only but can be integrated into forms.

Info sub tab