Create AWB number in F6 menu



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Basic data


AWB no. automatically

Retrieve AWB number from stock

AWB numbers can only be assigned automatically if there is a stock with at least one available AWB number in basic data AIRFREIGHT → CARRIER.

  • The carrier AWB stocks are recorded with 7 digits in the basic data.

  • The 8th digit is a check digit that is automatically calculated by the program.

Select AWB no. from stock.


The system uses the airline AWB stock entered in the Carrier field on the AWB Main tab.

If an airline has multiple active AWB stocks, you can select one of the AWB stocks in a separate mask.

Click Accept.

If a consol file does not have an AWB number at the time of the HAWB disposition, the program will issue a query, asking whether the AWB number is to be retrieved from the stock or generated manually.


Number ranges for HAWBs are recorded in basic data AIRFREIGHT → AWB AGENTS.

These are consecutive numbers.

Which number range will be used depends on the AWB agent entered on the AWB Main A tab.

AWB no. manuelly

Enter AWB-Nummer manually

If you select AWB no. manually in the F6 menu, a new mask for the entry of the AWB no. opens.

Manual assignment of the MAWB number:

  • Depending on your basic data settings, the MAWB number needs to be entered either with 8 digits incl. check digit or 7 digits without.

  • In case of the latter, the program calculates the check digit itself.

Manual assignment of the HAWB number:

  • You can type in up to 8 digits for HAWB numbers.

  • The prefix may be changed as well.

Enter MAWB no. for the print in the HAWB

The MAWB number can be entered in the field MAWB no. in the head line.
This number is entered without formatting, e.g. 02080561202.

This number is also printed in the House AWB.

As soon as the HAWB is assigned to a consol, this field is blocked and the number can no longer be changed.
This field does not become editable again until the House AWB has been deconsolidated.

  • If you are using the flight plan function the MAWB no. is copied from the flight plan into the field.

Plausibility check for duplicate AWB numbers

The search takes into account mode and sector.

A check for duplicate MAWB numbers in the import and transport sectors is performed in the AWB types

  • CON

  • MAWB

  • IATA

The check for duplicate HAWB numbers in the import and transport sectors also takes into account the MAWB number.
The program only issues a warning about a duplicate HAWB number if this number was entered with the same MAWB number.
(A HAWB number alone is not always unique in these sectors). 

No entered MAWB number (empty) is also considered a value.