Print, fax, email AWB

Print, fax, email AWB

If you have made changes to the order, you need to create the layout again via F6.


Links to further information

Basic data


Presetting of the field AWB Layout

The AWB layout field is preset with a basic setting from the AIR PARAMETERS when a new order is created.

→ Select Text tab in AIR Parameter.

Field AWB layout

Different layouts are available for the print. → The corresponding setting is available on the AWB Control tab →  field AWB Layout.

The layout

  • Crystal Reports L08 prints an AWB with lines/layout and requires blank paper (laser printer).

  • All other layouts are printed without lines and require continuous paper.


If the checkbox Create waybill/Close tour only when file is calculated located in basic data COMPANY → GENERAL COMPANY PARAMETER → Order data 2 tab is activated, the system checks whether the file contains a status with filling rule 31 - Calculate order before printing. If not, the system will issue a corresponding message.

If a status for the print of HAWBs (filling rule 28) and MAWBs (filling rule 27) is recorded in basic data ADMIN → STATUS TYPES, the corresponding status for the file is automatically set along with the print.

Print AWB on a different printer

Open the print preview via the button Print in the menu File.

You can access the printer settings via the print preview. Here you can select another printer.
Switch to the Order tab Layout.

Attention: The print preview differs per AWB layout.
                  Crystal Reports AWBs have a different preview than CargoSoft AWB layouts.

CargoSoft layout

In CargoSoft layouts click on the button Select printer.

Print preview AWB in the CargoSoft layout


Select a printer and confirm with OK.

  • Click the button Print to start the print.

  • To close the preview without printing, click on the yellow folder Close.

Crystal Reports layout

In Crystal Reports AWBs, select the context menu item Print in the print preview or button Print report.

(If the context menu can not be opened with the right mouse key, please also press the left mouse key.)

Print preview AWB in Crystal Report Layout

Change printer settings

In the settings you can change printer settings and configure, for example, page settings.

You are also able to print AWBs in other branches, provided that the printers are available in the system.
Please note the page settings for each printer. It is important to take into account the individual print offcut.

→ Click on the cross to close the preview without printing.

Print AWB with Layout

Customers using Crystal Reports AWB print do not need this function because AWBs are always printed with layout.

You may want to print AWBs on a laser printer with layout. From tab Order → Layout, select from the context menu Print Data with layout.

The print preview opens. From here you can select a different printer, change the printer settings and start printing.

Print HAWB and MAWB on different printers


It is possible to use different printers for HAWB and MAWB. Additional entries in the basic data must be made for this setup.


Continuous printing for HAWB


HAWB per Crystal Report original


HAWB per Crystal Report copy

Attention: For the Crystal Report print, additional entries in ADMIN → REPORTS are necessary.

Seperately printing dimensions for AWB print

If the number of dimensions is so high that not all of them can be printed on one AWB, a separate list can be printed.

This is generated automatically if configured in the basic data:

  • ADMIN → REPORTS: CSAWBCBM with report csawbcbm.rpt

  • ADMIN → FORMS → FORMS: CSAWBCBM for printer admin.

Send AWB via fax

Appropriate fax software enables AWBs to be faxed. In tab Order → Layout, click Send to → Fax. A window depending on your fax software opens where you can enter the fax number.

Your in-house configuration may mean you can (only) fax from the print preview. Select Print data with layout from the context menu. The print preview opens.

Use the Printer select button  in the print preview to select a fax printer. A window is displayed here, too, enabling you to enter the fax number.

Send AWB and Manifests via eMail

Providing that the Mailing is configured!

On the Layout tab select File → Send toEmail.

A small additional window open, enabling you to select the documents to send:

Confirm with OK.

The email client opens (this may be a different email client depending on configuration)

In the lower area, the documents selected are appended as attachments. Your basic data specifies whether these are PDF documents or another format. To view a document again, open it by double-clicking it.

You can add more attachments to the eMail.

Files from the eFile can also be appended. Click on the Forms tab (next to eMail). Files, which are deposited in the eFile of the file, are displayed separately in a treeview – such as forms and AWBs, etc.

If the view is still closed and only consists of a line with the file number, open it with the plus.

Use the checkbox of the eFile in order to select which document is to be attached to the email. Via drag and drop, pull the selected document in the lower data window section in order to add it to the eMail.

Set status of AWB print

If the checkbox Print AWB is activated in the closing menu, a status can be set in the position via the filling rules in the status types.

Print HS codes in AWB

Previously, customs tariff numbers that were entered in the HS codes sub tab in the goods description were only transferred to the airlines during the electronic AWB transmission (Champ).

Now the customs tariff numbers can also be printed in the AWB in the description of goods area at the bottom.

 To do this, it is necessary to activate the following global setting:

  • For a specific client:

INSERT INTO global_sett_t (schluessel,wert)VALUES('AWB_Print_HSCodes_001','J');

  • For all clients:

INSERT INTO global_sett_t (schluessel, wert) VALUES('AWB_Print_HSCodes','J');

If you would like to use this function, please get in touch with your contact person at CargoSoft.