


Basic data

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Create a draft

Select the voucher type Draft through the dropdown selection:


Fill the fields and tabs as if it was a normal invoice.
→ Step 2: Creation of an outgoing invoice.

Save your data after their entry via the Save icon.

The voucher type Draft appears in the Overview tab of the Invoicing tab. 


Numbering of the drafts

There is only an automatic numbering of every draft PER FILE, which CargoSoft initiates in the background.

→ This is displayed left-justified in the field voucher type.
→ Thus, the number 1 for drafts is available in every file that contains drafts.

Converting a draft into an outgoing invoice

Open the draft via double click with the mouse or right mouse key → Edit voucher.

Change the voucher type to outgoing invoice.

A query about updating the shipment data will appear.
This query results from an entry in the basic data Settings tab in INVOICING in COMPANYcheckbox Update order data draft.

The document is created when saving the invoice.

If modifications of vouchers are not permitted in your company profile in Settings tab in INVOICING in COMPANY (→ checkbox Invoice changeable), the voucher cannot be edited after saving and can only be viewed through Show voucher.

Exchange rate in foreign currency invoices

Attention: The exchange rate is not updated when converting a draft into an outgoing invoice.

→ You can use a basic data setting to load the current exchange rate into the newly created outgoing voucher.
→ In the settings tab in INVOICING in COMPANY, activate the checkbox Update exchange rate when change draft to invoice.

Define invoice layout for voucher type draft only

The field For drafts only is activated in ADMIN → INVOICE LAYOUT in the invoice layout that is only for the use in combination with the voucher type Draft.

The voucher type Draft, as well as the corresponding invoice layout, are selected through dropdown menus in the invoicing in the order on the tab Voucher header data.

The draft can be created and saved as usual.

Determine allocation for drafts

The field Allocation in the invoicing can be released for the creation of drafts.

It is therefore possible to save the expense or revenue for the draft.

The release of the field can be activated in COMPANY → FINANCIAL INTERFACE → Accounts/Allocation tab → Field Allow change allocation for voucher type draft.

Note unauthorized invoice layout

For the conversion of a draft into a voucher, select either Invoice or Credit note through the dropdown menu on the sub tab Voucher header data.

After the selection of the voucher type, an information stating that the invoice layout is only permitted for Drafts will appear.
The mask can be closed by clicking on OK.


Display: Changing the voucher type

The voucher can therefore NOT be saved in combination of voucher type Invoice/Credit note AND the invoice layout for drafts only.

Please select a different invoice layout in order to save the voucher.

Changing the invoice layout

Saving the voucher as an invoice/credit note is only possible after altering the invoice layout into a layout permitted for outgoing vouchers.

The voucher can be saved as usual after having changed the layout.
It will appear on the Overview tab as an outgoing invoice or credit note.

The CargoSoft information will not appear if the invoice layout is changed BEFORE the conversion of the voucher type from Draft to Invoice or Credit Note.