Credit notes

Credit notes


Basic data

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Creating a credit note

Select the entryĀ Create voucher in the context menu on the Overview tab in the Invoicing.

Ā The automatically pre-assigned voucher type Invoice will appear in the mask Voucher header data. Select Credit note through the dropdown menu.


An additional field appears ā†’Ā Correction for invoice.


The field Correction for invoice is optional and only to be used for a correction of an invoice.

ā†’ It is explained separatelyĀ ā†’Ā Correction invoice and Invoice layout.

The Allocation automatically changes to Expenses.
These are settings in the basic data for the financial accounts department due to the fact that a credit note uses different impersonal accounts as an invoice.

The other data for the credit note are recorded in the voucher items as if it was a collective invoice.
Valid billing codes must be present for all credit note files.

The voucher type Credit note is displayed in the voucher overview:

It is subtracted as an expenditure from the result in the account sheet:

Allocation of credit notes for special account types

When using the accountĀ type G or when using alternative debtors and creditors in adr_t with account type = G or general settings of a mixed current accounts, the allocation REVENUE is used for receivables if this credit note corrects an invoice.

The allocation is read from the settings in the basic data COMPANY ā†’Ā FINANCIAL INTERFACE ā†’ Accounts/Allocation tabĀ ā†’ fieldĀ Allocation outgoing invoice.

ATTENTION:Ā If an allocation change is activated, the allocation selected by the user is accepted.

ā†’ Field Change in account assignmentĀ inĀ Accounts/allocation tab in FINANCIAL INTERFACE.


The allocation is only read from the basic data COMPANY for mixed accounts if no allocation change is activated.Ā (fibustamm_t.kontierung...)