Correction invoice and Invoice layout

Correction invoice and Invoice layout


Create correction invoice

If an already created invoice needs to be corrected, select the command Create correction invoice on the Invoicing tab on the corresponding voucher.

There are three possibilities to create correction invoices:

1 Click right on the overview tab and select Create correction invoice in the context menu
2 Click right on the overview tab and select Credit note to correct invoice in the context menu
3 Enter Credit note in the Voucher type field in the header data AND simultaneously enter a number for the correction invoice.


Use invoice layout for the correction invoice

Change the entry in field Inv. layout into a valid layout for correction invoices:

The correction invoice displays the previously calculated voucher items as negative amounts and the voucher items suggested after the correction with the same amount, but as positive amounts. All lines can be edited as usual.

After you have carried out the correction of the voucher items, you can save the voucher as usual. It will appear on the Overview tab.

If an alternative number range for correction invoices was created in the basic data, the voucher number will clearly differ from the corrected voucher number.

Functions in the vouchers if using an invoice type in the invoice layout

If the invoice type is preset in an invoice layout as described above, there are some amendments to the vouchers in the outgoing invoice:

  • The invoice type is added if you change or cancel such a voucher subsequently and the invoice type is still empty at that time.

  • However, the invoicing type is emptied the other way round if the voucher number in a credit note is removed from the field correction for invoice.

  • The invoice type is emptied when copying from a correction invoice, but the new voucher is not a correction invoice at all.

  • If a different invoice type was set manually than the one from the pre-assignment, the invoice type remains.