Fast entry Tour

Fast entry Tour


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View of the Fast entry mask Tour


The Tour schedule

On the one hand the tour schedule serves as an overview, on the other hand it is further used in the tour templates.

The tour schedule including field description can be found here.

The Tour templates

The tour schedule and template can be found in the basic data and in the environment menu in the order mode Road.

The tour templates including field description can be found here.

The Tour search

The tour search is only available in the order mode Road.

The tour search can be found here.

Fast tour entry from direct shipment

A button Tour appears in shipments with the movement type DIR.


A click on the button opens a selection mask for the creation of a belonging tour.

Fill the sector, the main and sub department.

A tour is created where the route from the shipment has already been disposed.
This is possible in the normal order entry as well as in the fast entry.

With the context menu entry Create/Open direct tour in the disposition in the route area, you have the option to create a tour for direct shipments.

Change date and time of routes from tours

In the context menu of a tour, you can change the pickup or delivery date and time of the belonging routes.

For this, select the entry Update shipments.
A mask opens, displaying the received routes.

Please accept the data changed in the tour or add new data.
Confirm with OK.

Main carriages cannot be changed in this manner.

Routes from departments, for which the user does not have an authorisation, cannot be changed, either.

The Tour templates

The term Tour templates includes the creation of tour templates and tour sets, and the search and selection of recurring tours.

Data sets and functions are necessary in the 3 following modules to create tours for a specific timeframe:

  • Tour schedule

  • Tour template

  • Tour search

The tour schedule and template can be found in the basic data and in the environment menu in the order mode Road. The tour search is only available in the order mode Road.

Please see the following overview of the installation and use of the 3 modules.  

Create a tour template

In the tour template module, tours are combined to sets.

You can specifically create tour templates for individual employees, for a main and/or sub department, or an own branch.

The tour template module looks as follows:





Template name

It is recommended to use a template name as informative as possible.


Entry of the employee to whom the template applies.
→ This is a search criterion.


Specification of the branch to which the template applies.
→ This is a search criterion.

Main department

Specification of the main department to which the template applies
→ This is a search criterion.

Sub department

Specification of the sub department to which the template applies
→ This is a search criterion.

Data sets are recorded in the centre.
For this, select the context menu entries Add line or Insert line.
Then, fill all the desired fields.

In the lower section, you can add tours to the tour template.
For this, select the local menu entry Search Tour Templates.

A search mask opens.
→ This search mask is created similar to the tour schedule.
→ Search your tour and set a checkmark into the box in front of the tour name.
→ Confirm with OK.

The selected tours are added to the current tour template.