Print status and checkbox Use

Print status and checkbox Use

Print column

The print column is located at the right end of the search result and shows the red and green print statuses.

For information, the truck manifest numbers are displayed in the search result (scroll to the right if necessary) and the gateway recorded in the HAWB.


Already accepted = N


In this case, if you select the button New search ..., you will see the default value N in the field Already accepted.

Call up search mask

After the HAWB files are automatically displayed as search results but do not bring the desired result, select the New search ... button to adjust the search criteria according to your needs.

Already accepted = J

By the indicator J in the field already accepted the files are displayed, which have already been taken over into a TM.

For information, the truck manifest ID is displayed in the far right column.

Already accepted = '  '

All files that have not yet been transferred or have already been transferred are displayed with the indicator ' ' - blank.

Check box Use

Transfer file to the truck manifest

For the transfer of the HAWB files to the Consol, the check mark is also set here in the Use column.

Only files that have not yet been transferred to a TM have an empty checkbox in front of the line.

The non-existent checkboxes indicate that this HAWB has already been loaded.

Once all the desired positions are selected, click Accept to assign the files to the Consol.