Print or send Truck manifest


Links to further information

Basic data

Print Truck manifest 

Via File → Print


View of a Truck manifest


Field Alternative print 

There is a field Alternative print in the truck manifest, which allows to print the manifest differently from the standard.

Please note that you may have to make changes to your report for a fee.

Send truck manifest

Via File → Send to → Email

The e-mail window of your e-mail program opens.

Editing and sending the e-mail is explained in detail in → Email.

Truck manifest status sets ATD 

When printing the truck manifest, the print date plus the time +2 hours is calculated and saved in an interim table by means of a background application.

Reaching the time, the date and time are entered into the field Actual departure date.

When reprinting the truck manifest, the data on the AWB Main tab are updated accordingly.

The background application is subject to a charge. Please contact us if you have any questions.