Account sheet tab

Account sheet tab


Indicator for paid/unpaid vouchers

Via coloured symbols in the last column of the account sheet it is displayed whether an amount was paid or not.

  • Red cross: Voucher has not yet been paid.

  • Green tick: Voucher was paid.

Prerequisite: Check the open items from the accounting.


Accruals are considered in the total balance

The accruals are shown as total revenues and total expenses in the account sheet.
They are taken into account when calculating the total balance per file.

In this example, accruals for outgoing invoices - shown as revenue - and accruals for incoming invoices - shown as expenses - were posted:


CASS accrual course display

For the master file in air freight orders there is an additional field called CASS accrual course, which shows the difference between the automatically created accrual and the amount invoiced by the CASS.

This amount does not necessarily have to match the total amount of the accrual itself, because you can accept the difference when processing the CASS and still be able to completely dissolve the accrual.

The difference in the CASS accrual course then remains.

The amount would only change if the CASS sent a correction of the amount again.

pdf file in acc.sheet for eFile

An icon appears in front of each booking item in the order → Account sheet tab with which you can open the document for this booking directly as a pdf file.

The document is then read directly from the eFile and opened.