Record the complaint invoice

Record the complaint invoice


Links to further information


The incoming voucher which has to be claimed must

  • be accounted in advance with the conformity indicator A or D

  • and the new mark activate chargeback has to be [O]

  • and the new mark complaint is necessary has to be [O] or [blank].

Open the accounted payable in menu Environment → Invoicing → Payables to search for accounted vouchers and voucher to be claimed.

You can search for vouchers that still have to be claimed in the program payables on the tab Search criteria.

Searching for vouchers to be claimed

You can use the Search criteria tab in the incoming document entry to search for documents that have not yet been claimed.


Search field activate chargeback

The Search criteria tab enables the user to search for vouchers that have not been claimed. The respective field is activate chargeback.

It is possible to search for vouchers with the following entries:


Activate automatic balance


In progress!


Complaint completely done


Complaint not necessary


Outstanding (still to claim)

This additional mask displays all voucher lines for the selected voucher with identifier Outstanding (still to claim).
This mask also contains all lines where the field Complaint required? has not yet been filled.
These may be vouchers that have been created before the integration of the field kz_reklamation.
The same applies to vouchers created for customers who have not activated the identifier Payables only with accruals but would still like to use the feature Create complaint voucher.

All lines with mark for complaint =[O] or with [empty] mark for complaint but OK conformity = [A] or [C] are automatically selected in the mask for complaint vouchers.

Note: If a voucher is to be claimed, it is advisable to search with identifier Booked = [J] as well since only booked vouchers can be claimed.

Search fields Voucher number and File number

Fill in the Voucher number or File number of the voucher to be claimed and start searching with F3.

Search fields Service partner (Invoicing party)

To search for all vouchers of your service partner fill in the account type and account no. in the field Invoicing party (and possibly additionally the activate chargeback entry [O]).


Create complaint voucher in the context menu

The context menu item Create complaint voucher is available in the search result and the Process voucher tab.

When selecting this menu item via the search result, the mask Create complaint voucher is opened directly.
The actual payable is not opened.

  • Fill in all required fields (here: Billing code) and further important fields (here: Reason for complaint).

  • The field Reason for complaint can be filled by using the dropdown menu.

  • Here the reference no. service provider is displayed - it can be changed.

  • Click [Accept] to generate the Complaint voucher.

You can manually select or deselect lines if you would not like the complaint voucher to be created for all lines at once.

  • The fields Billed amount and Agreed amount will be filled with the values from the accounted payable.

  • From the difference results the complaint voucher.

  • The agreed amount can be edited, as well as the Reason for complaint.

  • The billing code must be filled.

    After acceptance the program generates an outgoing invoice.


The payable voucher will be marked and printed as [complained] which is shown both – in the documents view and in the overview.

After completing and saving the complaint vouchers, you will return to the Search criteria or Search result tab, depending on where you have created the complaint voucher.

Tax key field

The tax key is transferred from the lines of the payable, whether or not the identifier for input tax and VAT have been set accordingly!

Allocation field - posting of the voucher

The voucher is booked as a negative expense.
→ The allocation is thus always set to AUFW (Expense).

Complaint voucher in the account sheet

In the account sheet and in the Invoice tab → Overview in the order the column invoice type was added. Thus, it is displayed which voucher is a complaint voucher.