Receivables in Invoicing in Environment

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Search files


Search voucher


On the Search voucher tab, the selection for all voucher types is available in the field Voucher type.

A list of all exisitng voucher types is available under Voucher types and their codes.


Depending on which search mask was selected, the respective search result tab is displayed:

  • Result files

  • Result vouchers

→ The respective tab is displayed according to its name.

  • The tabs of the search result can be changed with the function keys F7 and F8.

  • As soon as you switch back to the tabs for the search criteria, the result tabs are cleared.

  • A new search can be started.

The desired file can be selected from the search result as follows:

→ Click double in the line

→ Click the enter tab

→ Switch to the Invoicing tab and thus open the Overview tab in the Invoicing.

    If exactly one search result is found, the file is even automatically opened on the Invoicing tab.

→ On the Invoicing tab vouchers can be created, changed or printed (context menu).

    The file is blocked for other users during editing.