Close Tour
Basic Data
Related pages
A safety query appears.
→ After confirming with Yes, the tour status is CLOSED.
It is now not possible to modify the shipments of a tour, including additions and removals.
A closed tour can only be reopened with the corresponding authorisation.
→ A mask to confirm this action will also appear in this case.
Tour completion
When a tour is closed, the tour and the shipments contained therein are automatically released for disposition.
When a tour is closed, e.g. the Fortras interface is activated (if installed), even after renewed closing.
Basic data settings of a tour completion
Filling rule 31
Basic data COMPANY → GENERAL COMPANY PARAMETERS → Order data 2 tab → Field Create waybill / Close tour only when file is calculated.
If this flag is activated, the system checks whether there is a status with filling rule 31 – Calculate order in the file.
This is carried out before the closing of the tour.
If this filling rule does not exist, a corresponding information message will appear.
Filling rule 32
You have the option to select 32 - Road closing tour in the filling rules in ADMIN → STATUS TYPES → STATUS TYPES.
If you have recorded such a status, it will automatically be set for a tour completion.
CMR waybill for a tour
Fill goods description with cumulated shipment data
Click the context menu item Calculate total weight of shipments in the CMR waybill of a tour to enter the total weight of all shipments into the goods description.
Consolidated cargo as per bordero will be displayed in the goods description text.