CSD tab


Basic data

Links to further information

Field descriptions

The CSD tab is based on the CSD template of the IATA.


Fields description



Related basic data



Related basic data

Regulated Entity Category and Identifier
Received from

These fields offer all order addresses with a validation number.

After you have accepted a validation number, the validity (valid to) from the ADDRESS → Security tab is transferred as well.

These fields can be edited if necessary.

If there is more than one validation number in ADDRESSES → ADDRESS → Security tab, the priority in the basic data program Address qualifiers takes effect.

When copying the validation number of the AWB agent, the preallocation is made from basic data AIRFREIGHT → AWB AGENTS → LBA permit number and Valid to.

Unique Consignment Identifier

This field shows the AWB number from the order.

AWB type B2B

Display of the MAWB number for type B2B.

Contents of Consignment for CONSOL shipment


Sum of quantity/weight/chargeable weight as well as the first line of the goods description.

In a CONSOL shipment, the checkbox Consolidation is activated by default. A goods description is not necessary.

Origin, Destination, Transfer/Transit Points

Routing according to the order.

Security Status

The Security Status is checked against the field Security text in the AWB Main tab.

  • Text with [SPX] → status [SPX] on the CSD tab

  • SHR, SCO → [SHR] or [SCO]

  • Unsecured/Not secured → [NSC]

The following fields are always filled once you confirm the F6 menu and are non-editable in the CSD tab itself:

  • Security Status (ecsd_tsec_status)

  • Security Status issued by (ecsd_t.issued_by)

  • Security Status issued on (Date) (ecsd_t.issued_on)

  • Security Status issued on (Time) (ecsd_t.issued_on_time)

The program determines the values for the fields from the syslog entry TEXT_KNOWN_SHP, which will be saved on entering the the status in the field Security text.

Received from

When you enter a validation number of an account assignor into the field Received from, the field Security Status changes to SCO.

Security Status, Screening Method
Grounds for Exemption

These fields provide the codes predefined by IATA.

The codes are recorded in ADMIN → CS ADMIN → CS CODES EXT with types ECSDSECSTA, ECSDSM and ECSDGREXEM.

Screening Method
Other Screening Methods

If you select the code [AOM] in the field Screening Method, the subsequent field Other Screening Method(s) becomes editable.

35 characters per line are available.

Security Status Issued by

Preallocation of the name stored in your login.


Security Status Issued on

Preallocation of the current date.


Additional Security Information

The section Additional Security Information provides further freely editable text lines.

35 characters are available per line.

You can also enter the [combinations @MC or §MC].

Press the Tab key to insert the long text from the AWB texts.

You can also access AWB text in AIRFREIGHT with type CSD recorded in the basic data.

From version, the security text for USA shipments is automatically recorded via script as AWB text with type CSD and MC USA for every branch.



Print CSD

The CSD can be printed via the Print icon in the menu bar as well as via the F6 menu.
It is available with Report ID ECSD in the report iata_security_declaration.rpt.

A green or red icon in the F6 menu indicates whether all required fields for the transmission have been filled.

The required fields for the transmission are the following:

  • Regulated Entity Category and Identifier

  • Unique Consignment Identifier

  • Contents of Consignment

  • Origin

  • Destination

  • Security Status

  • Received from (if Screening Method is not filled)

  • Screening Method (if Received from is not filled)

  • Security Status Issued by

  • Security Status Issued on

  • Regulated Entity Category and Identifier

The data entered in the CSD are transmitted to the airline during AWB transmission.

You can use both the printed (CSD) as well as the electronic variant (eCSD) in CargoSoft.

Codes in CSD

Codes that need to be used for the following fields in the CSD document as of 2/2016:

Field Security Status


High risk


All-cargo aircraft only


All-cargo and passenger aircraft


Unsecure (No CSD in NSC. Transmit NSC in SPH!)

Field Screening Method

Multiple possibilities.


Physical Inspection and/or hand search


Visual check


Xray equipment


Explosive detection system


Remote explosive scent tracing explosive detection dogs


Free running explosive detection dogs


Vapor trace


Particle trace


Metal Detection Equipment


Subjected to any other means: this entry should be followed by free text specifying what other mean was used to secure the cargo (box 6)

Field Grounds for Exemptions


Small undersized shipments




Bio medical samples


Diplomatic bags or diplomatic mail


Life saving materials


Nuclear materials