Status events in Status types in ADMIN

Status events in Status types in ADMIN

Authorization object: STASTATUSEVENTKO


Topic in the order

Basic data


Consequences of the status reported


  • Which users will receive a message upon arrival of the status?

  • Which order fields (eakopf_t) will be updated?

  • etc..

The processes that result from the returned status types are recorded in the basic data per provider.
The provider is the supplier of the status, e.g. CHAMP or the IMP Platform.

Define status events

In the header section select the provider recorded in the codes.

In the file details you enter the status types that are sent by this provider.
The resulting processes can be entered for every status.

Tables: statuseventko_t and statuseventpo_t (master - detail).







Status code

The status code in combination with the branch (either entry of a particular branch or XXX for all branches) must be unequivocal per line in statuseventpo_t for a provider.


The status codes available in the Status events with the corresponding stored data apply by default with the entry XXX for all branches.

Through the branch you can define that, for example, FRA would like to receive an email in case of a DEP status from TRAXON, but branch HAM would not.

The value in the Branch field is checked against the basic data. This entry is only accepted if it is also available in the basic data.
The entry XXX is allowed without corresponding basic data entry.

A status code can also be stored for individual branches in addition to the standard.

If a status feedback with the corresponding status code is imported into the system, the status code entries with a firmly defined branch are first checked and selected if they match. If another branch is affected, the standard entry applies to all branches (XXX).                                     

Info to user

The system accesses the employee options to see whether or not the employee has a message and whether he would like to receive an additional email.

Versand per CargoCom

Only for provider ATLAS

Mailing list for info

Enter a mailing list with addresses that are to receive the message.



Only for provider ATLAS

Fills field

Fills the corresponding field in the order.

→ If a code is stored in the field and the overwrite data checkbox is activated, the corresponding field in the order is updated when the status code is received from the interface.

Pls see → Fills field rules in the status events

Overwrite data

  • If this checkbox is NOT active, the entry in the CargoSoft file is made only if the field in the order (Fills field column) is empty.

  • If this checkbox is active, the details are always entered in to the field. In order to define which field should be overwritten, the corresponding field code must be stored in the Fills field-field.

Status type

The value in the field Status type is checked against the basic data.

This entry is only accepted if it is also available in the basic data.

→ Status types in Status types in ADMIN

Update subfiles

Activate the checkbox for the desired status code, if status messages that are processed in a Consol container shipment are to be passed on to the subfiles.

Mail to resp. login

Activate the checkbox to have the responsible person receive emails, e.g. OceanBooking.