Posting Incoming voucher per CargoCom
Basic data
To do this, the document requires information that enables the system to be assigned, such as a file number or a reference e.g. MAWB number, HAWB number, a TrackID, a service order, or a Truckmanifest ID number. In addition, the activity type, amount, and currency must be specified in the inbound document.
If all the necessary information is available, the system automatically posts the receipt to the file and is displayed in the account sheet.
With the appropriate setting, accruals are released and tolerance limits are considered.
If the tolerance limit is exceeded or if information in the incoming voucher is missing, the inbound voucher will run for errors.
Vouchers not posted
Vouchers that have not been posted can be called up in the Environment menu → Invoicing → Payables → Search criteria tab → Field Booked = N and edited and posted manually.
The last error message from the CargoCom is displayed in the unposted document.