Voucher items tab

Voucher items tab


Basic data

Related pages

5 text lines are available per billing code. These are not displayed in the corresponding lines due to space advantages.

If you would like to enter a large amount of text, click on the billing text belonging to the corresponding billing line and enter additional text.


Leave the field Bill.code via TAB and the entire line view changes. The single code fields (columns) are filled with the deposited data of the basic data BILLING CODES.

In addition, the program extracts the values calculated from this line from the shipment data in the goods description.

Line numbering

The automatic line numbering always automatically starts with 5.


Inserting further lines increases the line number by 5 – so the next line gets the number 10, the next one 15 and so on.

  • You can insert or delete any number of lines within the voucher at any time.

  • Insert line: Inserts a line above the selected line.

  • Add line: Appends a line below the last line.

  • By inserting a line the program selects one number in the range between these figures.

    Accordingly, 5 lines can be inserted before the first line with number. The numbering is then 4, etc.

  • When deleting, the program removes the marked line. The line numbering remains unchanged, there are no roundings up or down to 5, nor are there any shifts up or down.

  • When inserting a line again, a number is chosen between the two existing ones.

  • If there are gaps in the line numbering, the user does NOT have to do anything.
    There is no need to do the numbering seamlessly.
    The consecutive series of digits determines the order in which the billing items are PRINTED on the invoice.

Line structure

By selecting a billing code, a calculation operator or a tariff, the entries in the fields are changed in the second line.

By selecting a billing code, a calculation operator or a tariff, the entries in the fields are changed in the second line.

  • Code/Tariff

  • Quantity

  • Unit/Qty.

  • Single amount

  • Price unit

  • CUR.

  • Total amount

  • VAT

The total invoice consists of these billing lines. 
Different services and transport routes can be assembled in this invoice until it meets the customer’s needs.
Every line serves an individual purpose (taxes, foreign currencies, quantity calculations …).
In total, the total amount of the invoice is automatically calculated to a net and gross amount of a specific currency. 

Billing line

Within the billing lines, various calculation methods are carried out using the billing codes and tariffs, which are automatically calculated and displayed by the program, considering the number, weight, volume, dimensions (e.g. FRT, CWT) of the consignment data and stored tariffs and price scales.


Pls use the code field in the existing dropdown menus to display the current basic data.


Pls use the code field in the existing dropdown menus to display the current basic data.



The basis for the calculation is suggested, i.e. what is supposed to be done in this line.

The most important and primary calculation operators are as follows:

Tariffs must be graded and verified in the basic data and are then selectable as codes in this mask.


The quantity refers to the number or the weight or the volume in the goods description.


The quantity unit must exist in the basic data. It is accepted from the goods description of the order.

This field is for information only and not meant for calculation.
The quantity, the weight or the volume are listed.

Single amount

Price per unit.

Price unit

The price unit must exist in the basic data.

This price unit is calculated.

Rounding may be performed by the application in order to meet the requirements of the business practice.


Currency code, which needs to exist in the basic data.

The currency can be used as the foreign currency or the currency of the invoice.

If a line includes a foreign currency, the system requires the indication of a currency exchange rate.
Multiple foreign currency lines can therefore be used within an invoice.

Total amount

The application calculates the result based on the indicated calculation operator (code) per line.


VAT = Value added tax
Here: VAT key, which must exist in the basic data.

→ Taxable amounts are calculated individually in CargoSoft:
Every billing line may have a different taxation because services may or may not be subject to VAT within the transport route that is to be calculated.

→ Priority of the preallocation of tax keys: 

→ Pls see Tax calculation in the outgoing invoice.

Change tax key

Authorization object: FAKSTEUERSCHLUESSEL
If this authorization has not yet been assigned in the basic data ADMIN → AUTHORISATION PROFILE → Assign user rights tab, the authorization will not be checked!
If the authorization is used, the checkboxes Create OR Edit must be activated. → Thus the user can change the VAT key.

If other employees are NOT allowed to change the tax key, the authorization object must be assigned to a second profile.
The checkboxes Create AND Edit must NOT be set there.
The tax key field is then blocked in the billing lines.

Context menu: functions of the voucher items





Calculate file/voucher items

An interim result can be calculated at every point in the voucher files. Not all voucher items need to be completed.

Stop processing

This will cancel the proccessing.
No voucher items will be saved.
The overview tab will appear.

Select billing rates


Function relating to the Cost splitting.
E.g. searching for collective invoice numbers in outgoing invoices.

Select other charges tariff

Other charges can be selected manually with this command.
A search mask will open, with which you can search for a suitable other charges tariff.

Info accruals


Remove accrual

A CargoSoft information indicating an existing accrual will appear.
After having confirmed with YES, all entered accruals in this file will be displayed and can be deleted or will remain.

Select quotation

This command will open the search feature for quotations.

Delete all lines

All lines in the voucher items are deleted at once.

This function is available for invoice entry and invoice processing, not for cancellations.

Text line

In order to add a free choice of text that is not to be assigned to a billing file, do not enter a code into a billing code line. Instead, press the TAB key.
The fields will be converted to general text fields. 

Processes within the billing line

Since there are many background functions that are linked to one another within the billing lines in the fields of billing code and codes/tariffs, the effects of the settings in the basic data are shown below - as well as combinations thereof or exclusions from them.

  • calculation codes und tariffs

  • price scales

  • sea freight tariffs, other charges tariffs

  • automatic surcharges on billing codes

Note if billing line is zero

You can activate the checkbox Billing lines Receivables not 0,00 in the basic data Settings tab in INVOICING in COMPANY.
Then billing lines are dunned, the amount of which is 0.00.

An error message appears when saving the invoice.

If Cancel is selected for the message, the invoice can be corrected.
The save process is continued with OK.

  • The following message is displayed for ONE billing line: Saving not possible. Pls check the voucher items.
    You return to the voucher items tab.

  • With MULTIPLE document items, all lines are calculated with an amount >0 and the voucher is saved.

Billing codes

The invoicing is done line-by-line through keys for the Billing codes (Bill. code).

The billing codes are deposited in the basic data Billing codes in INVOICING.

You can either limit the search or search for all codes via F3. After having accepted the code from the search or after having entered the code manually, press the TAB key and the saved Billing codes will be displayed.

These data can be manually edited or added to.

You can switch between fields and lines with the TAB key and jump to the previous field by pressing Shift and TAB.

Base of Settlement

The bases of settlement define on what basis the invoicing is done. For example, the cost is multiplied with the CWT (Chargeable Weight) in the airfreight or with the FRT (Freight ton) in the seafreight. These bases are used in the Billing codes.

The bases of settlement are defined in the BASIC DATA > INVOICING > BILLING CODES. The sub tab Billing data provides a field for the base of settlement. The entries are set by CargoSoft and evaluated in the invoicing accordingly.

A base can be assigned to a billing code through a search mask. The search mask can be opened in the field Base of settlement via double click or F2. The search can be started via F3.

The bases are evaluated in the invoicing as follows:
For this base, the calculation code should usually be set to M for Multiplication.
The exceptions are as follows:

Calculation code

Calculation method

Calculation code

Calculation method


The quantity 20' container from the goods description is suggested for the amount. (Values from the goods description, for which the container type in the packaging code is 20).
ST is suggested as a quantity unit unless a different unit is given in the billing code.


The quantity 40' container from the goods description is suggested for the amount (Values from the goods description, for which the container type in the packaging code is 40).
ST is suggested as a quantity unit unless a different unit is given in the billing code.


The quantity 40' and H4 container from the goods description is suggested for the amount (Values from the goods description, for which the container type in the packaging code is 40 or H4).
ST is suggested as a quantity unit unless a different unit is given in the billing code.



The quantity 45' container from the goods description is suggested for the amount (Values from the goods description, for which the container type in the packaging code is 45).
ST is suggested as a quantity unit unless a different unit is given in the billing code.



The quantity H4 container from the goods description is suggested for the amount (Values from the goods description, for which the container type in the packaging code is H4).
ST is suggested as a quantity unit unless a different unit is given in the billing code.


The quantity of the export declarations is suggested.


The quantity of the export declarations including single sheets is suggested.

BASISPREIS + (Menge * Einzelpreis)


MBP Multiplication with the base price, quantity = piece number
MBV Multiplication with the base price, quantity = volume
MBK Multiplication with the base price, quantity = weight
MBC Multiplication with the base price, quantity = C-weight.

Besides the base price, the individual price also needs to be entered in the billing code. The calculation code is automatically defined as the fixed price.
The final price is calculated from base price + (quantity * individual price).

The invoicing will only display the final price. It is not possible to see the calculation.



The volume from the goods description is suggested as the amount.

CBM is suggested as the unit unless a different unit is given in the billing code

CFE (Collection Fee)

The billing line "Collection Fee - 1 % of the collect amount of the AWB due Carrier, Minimum 50 EUR" in the airfreight can be created. 

In the airfreight/import, the "Total collect charges" from the AWB are suggested as the price as is the case in the base of settlement TCC. In the airfreight/export, the price needs to be entered manually.

Value = 1 (%)          Calculation code = M(ultiplication)      Quantity unit = PROZ          Base of settlement = CFE      Price unit = P EUR      Minimum = 50,--


The quantity of all containers from the goods description is suggested as the amount (Values from the goods description, for which the container type in the packaging code is 20, 40, 45 or H4).
ST is suggested as a quantity unit unless a different unit is given in the billing code.


The cuft volume*35,315 from the goods description is suggested for the value.
CUF is suggested as a quantity unit unless a different unit is given in the billing code.

The type of goods LCL/FCL is taken into consideration.


Chargeable weight in pounds/lbs.



(Chargeable weight in accordance with airfreight / ratio 1:6).

The chargeable weight from the goods description is suggested for the amount.
KG is suggested as a unit unless a different unit is given in the billing code.

DBF (Disbursement Fee)


Used in the airfreight, sector export. As a component of a billing code recorded on the additional expenses tab, this base adds up all ‚Collect Due Agent costs’.

A percentage is added to the sum of the ‚Collect Due Agent costs’ recorded on the additional expenses tab. The percentage is entered into the field ‘Price‘ of the billing code or in the airfreight customer rates. A minimum is also taken into consideration.

If a billing code of this basis is directly entered into the invoicing / voucher items tab, the application automatically tries to determine the ‘Collect Due Agent costs‘.  The file must be an airfreight file, sector: export, AWB type: HAWB or IATA; and the fields ‘WT-Val‘ and ‘Other’ must be set to ‘Collect’. Reference lines are available if no suggestion is possible.

DEN (Density)

The quantity of the individual customs entries is suggested as the amount.



The volume from the goods description is suggested as the amount if cbm>weight/1000 applies.

CBM is suggested as a unit unless a different unit is given in the billing code.

Otherwise, the weight/1000 from the goods description is suggested as the amount (total gross weight).
TO is suggested as a unit unless a different unit is given in the billing code.

The type of goods LCL/FCL is taken into consideration.



(Gross weight / Actual weight)

Just like the base of settlement KG. The weight is rounded up to 0,5.



Quay tariff in Hamburg

The costs are entered into the basic data for the billing codes on the sub tab Quay dues.

  • TO is suggested as the unit for under 5 times measuring.The value will be rounded up to 100 kg and converted to TO.

  • CBM is suggested as the unit for more than 5 times measuring.



The weight from the goods description is suggested for the amount (total gross weight).

KG is suggested as a unit unless a different unit is given in the billing code.

If the type of goods in the billing code on the sub tab Options is filled with LCL or FCL, only the weight of the LCL or FCL files is suggested for the value.

  • LCL = values from the goods description, for which the container type in the packaging code is blank or ZERO

  • FCL = values from the goods description, for which the container type in the packaging code is filled



The quantity from the goods description is suggested for the amount.

ST is suggested as a unit unless a different unit is given in the billing code.

If the type of goods in the billing code on the sub tab Options is filled with LCL or FCL, only the weight of the LCL or FCL files is suggested for the value.

  • LCL = values from the goods description, for which the container type in the packaging code is blank or ZERO

  • FCL = values from the goods description, for which the container type in the packaging code is filled


The weight/453,6*1000 from the goods description is suggested for the amount (total gross weight).
LBS is suggested as a unit unless a different unit is given in the billing code.

The type of goods LCL/FCL is taken into consideration.

MES (+Faktor messend)  

As freight ton FRT, but with an additional multiplication factor from the field Measuring factor.

The type of goods LCL/FCL is taken into consideration.


(Berechnung des Maximalen Betrags)

2 calculations are made, compared to each other, and the higher value is determined. The minimum is also taken into consideration.

E.G. USD 4,55 per 100 kg or USD 12,50 per CBM / minimum USD 85,00


The net weight is suggested for the amount.


The net lbs net weight/453,6*1000 is suggested for the amount.


The net volume is suggested for the amount.


The net cuft net volume*35,315 is suggested for the amount.


The quantity of the NCTS transit application is suggested for the amount.


The quantity of the NCTS receipt is suggested for the amount.


The quantity of the palettes is suggested.

Palettes are separately labelled in the basic data ORDERS → PACKAGING CODES.


x percent on the insurance value.


x percent on the goods value.



The SLVS bonus is suggested for the price.

The SLVS bonus is either directly drawn from the order processing / statistic tab, or is calculated from the goods value with a specific formula (as of 19.03.2002): For a goods value up to 1000,00 EUR, a minimum premium of 1,00 EUR is calculated, otherwise per commenced 1000,00 EUR insurance value a premium of 0,70 EUR (incl. 16 % insurance tax).

TCC (Total collect charges)


The "Total collect charges" from the AWB are suggested. The calculation code is automatically set as the fixed price.

This base of settlement is especially meant for a preallocation of the automatic invoicing for airfreight import files.

The billing code must be deposited in the COMPANY → INVOICING on the sub tab Administration → Fields HAWB billing export and HAWB billing import.


The quantity of the TEU from the goods description is suggested for the amount (values from the goods description, for which the container type in the packaging code is 20, 40, 45 or H4). The quantity of the 20' container is calculated only once, all others *2.

ST is suggested as a unit unless a different unit is given in the billing code.



The weight/1000 from the goods description is suggested for the amount (total gross weight).

TO is suggested as a unit unless a different unit is given in the billing code.


Chargeable weight 1 cbm = x kg

Besides the basis WTC, the relation "1 cbm = x kg" must be indicated.

(The relation 1 cbm = 1000 kg would correspond to the base of settlement FRT/FT.)

TO is suggested as a unit (or LBS, if the relation is "1 cuft = x lbs").

Using codes und tariffs

CargoSoft calculates with codes and tariffs. All these must be deposited in the basic data with keys in order to be used.
There are set calculation codes provided by CargoSoft and tariffs deposited by your system administrator.
The differences and their use will be explained in the following chapters.







Fixed price

When entering the calculation code F (=fixed price), the application only requires a value in the field Single amount.

This code automatically blocks the fields Unit/Qty. and Price unit. The cursor will jump back into the field Single amount, in which the price for this line/billing code is entered.

The fields Currency and Tax can still be used.



The Multiplication (=M) requires an entry in the fields Amount/Unit from the order and Individual price/price unit.

The multiplication is carried out with these factors. The total price is the result from this multiplication.  

The fields Currency and Tax can be used.

The multiplication through the example of a weight entry from the order would look as follows:

The billing code defines that the amount of 13.500 KOS is drawn from the order and multiplied with the price X – in this case 45 USD per ton (rounded to 100 KOS = TOA).

Using the price unit FRT (=freight ton), the application draws the higher of the two values weight or volume from the order (goods description) and carries out the multiplication independently.  

Percentage calculation

Surcharges or reductions can be calculated on one or multiple lines above the percentage line using the percentage (per mille) calculation.

If the calculation code P (T) is selected, the cursor will first jump into the column Single amount. The percent value is entered and displayed with 3 decimal digits (from the basic data settings).

After having pressed the TAB key, the field for Reference lines will open in the lower section of the mask.

Please fill the Reference line and press the TAB key again.

An additional Reference line can be entered into the next field, with TAB another one, and so forth.

If a field remains blank, the application will finish the percentage calculation and switch back into the calculation line to the total price, where the calculated value is displayed.

The percentage calculation is carried out in the billing line 10 with calculation code P. The foreign currency value is recognized at the same time.

5 % * 1.200,00 USD = 60,00 USD.

However, these 60,00 USD are hidden in the background due to the double calculation. A percentage calculation in the foreign currency is carried out first. Thus, the percentage USD surcharge is not displayed as a value. The application requires the currency exchange rate. In this example, it is drawn from the basic data. The rate can also be entered manually into the field CUR. The application calculates the total value of the entire line and displays it in the column total price

USD 60,00 * 1,267410 = EUR 47,34.

For a line with percentage surcharges or reductions (calculation code P for percent or calculation code T for pro mille), a field for the entry of the exchange rate is released by entering the Reference lines.