ATLAS Customs duties: automatic preallocation in the Import
The invoice address entered in the header data is checked against
the customs value declarant, if DV1
the declarant
or the recipient, if declarant=recipient
If the addresses agree, all customs information for this file number, which have not been invoiced and of which the values concern the deferment accounts, are drawn.
If the addresses do not agree, a query asking for whether the outstanding customs information should nevertheless be suggested will open.
If there are sets that have not been invoiced for this file, the system checks whether this is a single customs notification or whether more exist.
If there is only one customs notification, a query asking for whether it is to be loaded automatically:
If YES, the individual amounts are inserted into the billing line.
A CargoSoft billing code needs to be deposited per posting key in ATLAS in the basic data CUSTOMS → POSTING KEY.
If there are multiple different customs notifications, the billing lines are either suggested accumulated per posting key or you can select single tax bills.
The following query will open:
If the query is answered with YES, the values per posting key are added up.
A billing line is inserted into the voucher items per posting key.
If NO, another mask will open and it is possible to select (one or more) tax bills that are to be added to the invoice:
A CargoSoft billing code airfreight [ATLAS] needs to be deposited for the CUSTOMS posting keys in the basic data in any case:
The billing lines from the ATLAS customs notification will be followed by a line for the advance commission.
A billing code needs to be deposited in the basic data COMPANY → INVOICING on the Administration tab:
This billing code must exist in the basic data INVOICING → BILLING CODES.
This billing code should be created with the Calculation code Percent, so that the advance commission is automatically added to the settlement amount as a percentage surcharge.
The reference lines are set automatically in this case.
A percentage can also be pre-assigned in the billing code.
A different percentage per address can also be entered:
The billing lines are automatically suggested one below the other – plus the billing line with the advance commission.
Further billing lines can be added manually in this case. Additional values can be added to the voucher items.
You can alternatively add text lines.
Additional automatic billing lines, such as accruals or seafreight tariffs, are not suggested!
The data sets will be set to processed when saving the ATLAS tax bills so that they cannot be suggested again in the invoicing.
If no ATLAS tax bills exist, the system continues to check whether other billing lines can be suggested automatically.