Seafreight tariffs and other costs: automatic preallocation

Seafreight tariffs and other costs: automatic preallocation


Field Service on the Transport tab in the order

This Transport tab is divided into transport sections from top to bottom.

The field Service is crucial and must ALWAYS be filled if additional costs tariffs and seafreight tariffs are involved – the field is a required field in the basic data.

  • A field Service in the precarriage is located between Place of receipt and Port of loading.

  • Another field Service in the main carriage (sea or airfreight) is available between Port of loading and Port of discharge.

  • An additional field Service for the oncarriage is located between Port of discharge and Final destination.


Additional costs for the precarriage

The additional cost tariffs are recorded in the basic data according to billing codes and assembled to multiple services. Specific fields are queried in the order and compared to the fields in the additional costs tariffs of the same name. If in agreement, the system draws the data from the goods description and automatically fills the voucher items in the invoicing. 

Therefore, the fields in the order need to be filled and match the additional costs tariffs for the pre-carriage:

  • The sector in the issuing of file numbers

  • The place of dispatch with the place from the additional costs

  • The port of loading with the port from the additional costs

  • The departure date must be in the validity range

  • The service for the pre-carriage on the tab

Additional limitations are possible through the delivery conditions and the invoice address, but not necessarily needed.

Ilustration for the field Sector:


Ilustration for the field Place:

Seafreight tariff for the main carriage

The following data need to agree for the seafreight tariff:

  • The sector

  • The delivery conditions

  • The departure date must be in the validity range

Further limitations are possible through the port of loading (export)/ port of discharge (import) and the invoice address, but not necessarily needed!

The service level for the main carriage for the seafreight tariffs is available on the tab Order > Transport. It must match the service level 1 or 2 from the seafreight tariff.

Please find the service intended for the main carriage through the CargoSoft search function.

Our example shows that the service level for the seafreight differ in e.g. the names of the carriers.
The names should ideally be significant or selected for transport sections, quality features, price differences, etc.

2 columns can be entered in the basic data for the different service levels, i.e. two different price categories for every main carriage.
The price difference should become apparent in the name of the service level; e.g. a shorter term is more expensive whereas a longer term is less expensive.
The difference can also be indicated in the rotation or the classification of the carrier.
Ask your system administrator to select the names to meet your needs, i.e. to be able to easily select them during the order processing. 

The billing code is suggested in the seafreight depending on the goods description LCL, 20' oder 40'.

The individual price will then be added.
Depending on the sector,

  • Port of Loading = Import

  • Port of Discharge = Export             
    is of vital importance.

Additional lines can result from the basic data INVOICING → SEAFREIGHT TARIFFS → Additional charges tab per billing code.
Percentage surcharges of the like can also be included.

Additional costs for the oncarriage

The following items must agree for the additional costs for the oncarriage:

  • The sector

  • The service level for the post-carriage on the tab Order > Transport

  • The port of discharge with the port from the additional costs

  • Final destination with the place from the additional costs

  • The departure date must be in the validity range

Further limitations are possible through the port of loading (export)/ port of discharge (import) and the invoice address, but not necessarily needed!

Thus, there are multiple options to pre-assign the billing lines depending on the module and sector.

If no ATLAS customs declarations, accruals, seafreight tariffs or additional costs are suggested in the invoicing, the address of the invoice recipient is read as a last resort.