Internal Settlements in Environment - Invoicing

Internal Settlements in Environment - Invoicing


Basic data


Process voucher tab

Fields in the voucher header data





Voucher type

The voucher type, which is to be used for the transfer booking, must be selected

  • incoming invoice  or

  • outgoing invoice.

Voucher number


The field voucher number is either for a free choice of text or blocked for the entry!

This depends on the entry in the basic data in the Number range tab in INVOICING in COMPANY.

Assign voucher number automatically
If this field is filled with a value, the voucher number is automatically assigned from a number range when saving.
The voucher numbers can be incremented annually or consecutively over all years.

Assign voucher number manually
If the voucher number is to be assigned manually, you can leave the field Number range for internal settlements blank.

Additional opportunity:
Voucher numbers for the branch can be recorded in the basic data in Number range tab in BRANCHES in COMPANY.

Invoice party







Please enter the account type and the address number or the abbreviation of the address as the invoice party.

  • It is possible to pre-assign the address with a fixed value via the basic data COMPANY → INVOICING on the tab Administration in the field Account no. internal settlements. 

  • You can also determine certain combinations of the voucher type and the account type in COMPANY → FINANCIAL INTERFACE on the tab Voucher types.

    → Incoming invoices can be written to creditors.
        The field Incoming invoices from creditors in the basic data is filled with (any) value.
    → Incoming invoices CANNOT be written to debtors.
        The field Incoming invoices from debtors in the basic data remains BLANK.



Ref./Invoice no.

The field Ref.-/Invoice no. is for a free choice of text and does not necessarily have to be filled.

Posting text

The field Posting text is for a free choice of text and does not necessarily have to be filled.

The posting text is shown or hidden customer-specifically.

Voucher Date

The voucher date is pre-assigned with the current date.

The field is blocked for the entry customer-specifically.

Accounting period


The accounting period is pre-assigned from the voucher date.

  • If the indicator for the preallocation of the accounting period in the basic data COMPANY → INVOICING on the tab Number range → field Default accounting period is NOT X, the accounting period is pre-assigned with the accounting period for the current date when creating a new voucher.

Accounting period for gateway billing

The Gateway billing is a special feature.
The accounting period is pre-assigned from the service month of the consol file for internal settlements.


The currency of the voucher is pre-assigned with the house currency.

An exchange rate must be entered when selecting a foreign currency. If the foreign currency exchange rates are deposited in the basic data, the invoice date is chosen for the validity date and the R.O.E. is automatically pre-assigned.

The R.O.E. is always indicated in relation to the house currency Euro, i.e. in relation 1 EUR = xxx.

Fields in the Voucher Items





File number

= Required field

Activity type

= Required field


Enter the amount → the amount must always be positive.


Enter the amount → the amount must always be positive.

The currency is automatically pre-assigned from the header data and is non-editable.

If the amounts Debit and Credit were recorded in a way that the remaining amount equals 0, the amount fields are blocked for the entry (greyed out).

If additional modifications have to be made, please delete a billing line.
The remaining value is now not 0 and the amount can be edited.

Functions in the context menu

Print voucher

Only works if the document has already been saved once.

Save voucher

Voucher will be saved.

Stop processing

Processing stops → the voucher will not be saved.  

Release interface accounting

For the booking of the voucher if you have the authorization FAKIBVFREIGABE and the remaining amount equals 0.


For the entry of notes regarding this voucher. The voucher must have been saved before, as is the case for the print.

Save the voucher

All entries are checked when saving, e.g. whether the address is available, whether the file numbers or service types still exist, or whether the accounting period is still up to date. This is especially important if you have reopened and edited an already existing voucher.

If all entries are correct, the voucher is saved, but not set to booked.
The booking in the account sheet and the transfer to the financial accounts department must be carried out separately.

The voucher number is displayed in an information window when first saving the voucher in the case of an automatic assignment of the voucher number.

If no memo was recorded for the voucher (for example, if a voucher was created), the memo mask is opened automatically and you can enter a note.

Activate the checkbox Print internal settings in the basic data COMPANY → INVOICING, so that the voucher is automatically printed after having been saved.

Release for account sheet and financial accounting transfer

Context menu entry: Release all records for accounting interface

The internal settlements are not automatically released for the processing in the account sheet and the transfer to the financial accounts department when being saved!

The release takes place on the tab Search result or Process voucher requires the authorization: FAKIBVFREIGABE.
The voucher cannot have been booked and the remaining amount must equal 0,00.
The data sets that are to be transferred can be selected separately in the search result or released simultaneously via the right mouse menu.
→ Please save the data sets to confirm the modifications!

If a new voucher is created or the mask is closed without saving, a query will open, asking for whether the edited data is supposed to be saved.

The voucher can also be released through the context menu on the tab Process voucher.
The voucher just needs to have been saved before.

The menu point is not yet available when creating a voucher.  
The authorization FAKIBVFREIGABE is required. The voucher must not have been booked and the remaining amount must be 0,00.

A safety query appears, asking for whether the voucher is really supposed to be released → Do you want to transfer this voucher to accounting?

The voucher cannot be opened by another user at the same time.
→ Otherwise, an information stating that the voucher is blocked will appear.

Search criteria tab → Searching for Internal Settlements

Search criteria for existing vouchers can be entered on this tab.

Please enter one or more search criteria (* and ??? can be used in character fields). Leave the field with the TAB key and start the search with F3.

Search result tab

The tab Search result displays all data sets that have been found.

  • You can select single lines and view, edit, print, or release vouchers through the context menu.

  • If only one voucher has been found, it is opened directly; either for editing or in the view mode, depending on whether the voucher has been billed or not.

Field Transferred int the search result

The boxes in the column Transferred are only visible if …

  • you have the authorization

  • you have the authorization FAKIBV to edit vouchers.

  • the voucher has not been booked.

  • the remaining amount of the billing lines equals 0.

Functions in the context menu of the search result

Edit vouchers

Valid for vouchers that have not been posted!

After selecting a line, the corresponding voucher can be opened in the view or editing mode via double click or pressing the RETURN key.
The mode depends on whether the voucher has been billed or not.

A voucher can be edited if it has not been billed and if no other user currently opened the voucher.
Otherwise, an error message will appear, stating that the voucher is blocked.

If the voucher has not been booked, it can be edited at this point– otherwise it is only available in the view mode.

View vouchers

Valid for vouchers that have been posted!

The posted booking is displayed with grey fields. They are non-editable.

Print voucher

A list of all displayed vouchers can be printed through the menu File → Print.

Pls also see in Forms in ADMIN → PRinter settings → Number of prints.

Release all data sets for accounting interface

Pls see above → Release for account sheet and financial accounting transfer

Unselect all data sets


... view or create

The icon with the notepad is visible if a memo for this voucher was created and saved.
In this case, you can select the line and click on the icon with the left mouse key in order to read or edit the memo.

If a new memo is to be created, please select a line and select Memo from the right mouse menu.

Printing the single vouchers and the protocol

As soon as a voucher number has been assigned and the voucher has been saved, the voucher can be printed.

The tab Process voucher offers the option to print a single voucher:

  • Key combination Ctrl + P

  • Menu File → Print…

  • Menu File → Instant print

  • Context menu → Print voucher

On the tab Search result, you can…

  • print a single voucher by selecting a line and selecting the command Print voucher from the context menu.

  • print a list of all displayed vouchers by selecting in the menu File → Print or File → Instant print.

In outgoing invoices

In the outgoing invoicing, it is possible to accept a voucher or a voucher copy via the right mouse menu into the eFile, save it as a PDF or archive it.

You can also search for the date of the entry in the search mask:

Protocol print of all vouchers that have not been booked

  • Open the search criteria

  • Enter a N into the field Booked

  • Release the search result via F3

  • Print the overview of all vouchers in the search result with File → Print

All prints are realized via Crystal Reports.

IBV = IBV.rpt