Encrypt outgoing invoice when sending an email

Encrypt outgoing invoice when sending an email


  • The installation of PDF24Creator (newest version 9.2.x) and printer profile PDF24-Cargosoft is required. 

  • To use this function in the current TMS version 2023.2 a PDF24 version 10 or higher is required.

  • If only an older PDF24 version is available, the following global setting is required to use the function:

    • Key: 'PDF24_VERSION_LOWER_THAN_10 / Value: J

    (INSERT INTO global_sett_t (key, value) values ('PDF24_VERSION_LOWER_THAN_10','J');)

  • ATTENTION: If PDF24 is updated to a version of at least 10, this global setting entry must be disabled!


Basic data settings


Encrypt PDF via email can be activated.

ADDRESSES → General tab → Invoice data sub tab

In the address of the invoice recipient, an individual password with a maximum of 20 characters can be stored in the General tab Invoice data sub tab → field Password (PDF by email).

The entry is made using the button with the eye-icon.

The password can only be seen in plain text in this field.

Otherwise the password is shown in encrypted form.

The authorization object STAADRPDFPASSWORT is required for editing a password.

Procedure in the order

The email recipient must enter this password when opening the invoice from the email attachment.

Entering the password is not supported by every application (with which the PDF is opened).
→ We recommend using PDF24 or Adobe Acrobat Reader.

The encryption only works for invoice forms, since the address number of the invoice recipient is only determined via the corresponding database table (eafako_t).

The encryption of an outgoing invoice is implemented in the following places:

  • Voucher creation via the Invoicing tab.
    The invoice dispatch via email is stored in the address of the invoice recipient (General tab → Invoice data sub tab → adr_t.auto_mail_rechnung)

  • Invoicing tab
    → Local menu function Send voucher by email

  • E-mail window → Forms tab.
    An invoice is added to the attachment from the forms tab.

The encryption takes place in the above cases when opening the e-mail window or when the invoice is added to the attachment.

In the attachment area of ​​the e-mail window, a different symbol is displayed for an encrypted PDF (PDF symbol with a lock).

  • Automatic ATLAS-invoice

  • E-Mail dispatch with activated mail dispatch via CargoCom (mailstamm_t.email_cargocom = J)

INFO: The file rules do not apply in this case; the report ID is displayed as the file name.
          The encryption takes place when the PDF is created via CargoCom. The use of Outlook is currently not permitted here.


  • Encrypting a PDF file overrides the function Mailing: Merge PDFs.

  • If PDF files are dragged into the attachment of the email via the eFile or Explorer, encryption is not possible!
    It is not obvious whether the PDF is an invoice or not.

  • When the e-mail is filed in the eFile, the invoice form is also filed in encrypted form, provided that the setting Attachments in eFile separately is NOT active (COMPANY → MAIL).

  • When the e-mail is stored in the eFile, the invoice form will be saved in the eFile within the e-mail despite active setting Save attachments in eFile separately (COMPANY → MAIL).
    Checking in the encrypted file into eFile separately is therefore prevented at this  point.