Send VGM service order


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Check and send service order


Click Check service order to perform a plausibility check before the transmission.

Error messages are displayed in the lower section.

  • A green checkmark in the Verification status field indicates that the order has been sent to the EDI partner.

  • A red cross displays an error.

  • A status in the Provider field shows that the order has been processed by the provider.

  • A status in the Service provider field appears if the carrier issues responses.

Resend service order in case of error

If there is an error in the sent order, you can release it for editing via Overview tab → context menu → Release service order.

→ Modify the data and resend the order.

To send the service order again, select Send service order udpate.

Cancel service order

After a positive response of the provider, you can select the context menu item Cancel service order.

Not all carriers (service providers) issue confirmations of cancelation.

A cancelation is thus displayed as follows in the overview:

Yellow checkmark = cancelation approved by the provider


Green checkmark = cancelation approved by the carrier (service provider)

Copy service order

Service orders can be copied with the context menu on the Overview tab.

Select the service order that you would like to copy and click Copy line.

The goods description (Goods tab) incl. the Container tab is not copied.