DGR tab
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Dangerous goods - general information in the TMS General Functions
Basic data
First Function: Central DG data entry mask
Dangerous goods details of all modes of transport with hazardous legislation IMDG, ADR and RID must be entered on the DGR button.
Load DGR data into contents
If you would like to copy data from the dangerous goods basic data into the goods description, first enter the dangerous goods data line in the goods description.
Click on the package line in the goods description and select the context menu entry Load DGR data into contents to copy the UN no., IMDG class and technical name from the recorded dangerous goods details into the content description of the goods description.
Click in a package line and select Load DGR data into marks or contents from the Context menu in the goods description (Goods button) to copy the UN no., IMDG class and technical name from the (filled) DGR button into the content of the goods description.
Second Function: Dakosy ZAPP
When shipping dangerous goods via the port of Hamburg as seafreight, dangerous goods must be entered on this button.
The details entered here will be transmitted for the HDS application at the port of Hamburg.
A description of the fields in this mask for the ZAPP can be found in Hazardous goods data for Dakosy ZAPP.
To see the seafreight dangerous goods details, select [IMDG] in the field Hazardous legislation in the search mask.
Third Function: Dangerous goods overview
Dangerous goods statistics can be found in Environment menu → Statistic → Seafreight → Dangerous goods overview.
Basic data Dangerous goods
The dangerous cargo basic data can be recorded in the basic data or imported via interface.
Please contact your system administrator, dangerous goods representative and CargoSoft.
Dangerous goods details are recorded in basic data Dangerous goods information system in ORDER.