IMP tab - Dakosy Import Message Platform

IMP tab - Dakosy Import Message Platform


Basic data for this function

Required fields in the order

The following fields must be filled in the order before the shipments can be sent to IMP:

  1. eta date in the order:


2. Container numbers in the goods description:


3. OBL number: 

ATLAS application and IMP Platform

In customs declarations you can select the registration numbers (ATB no.) from the IMP Platform.
If a customs declaration is sent to customs ahead of time, you can AUTOMATICALLY confirm the presentation to customs.
An automatic change of custody is possible, too.

Upload of customs-related documents

Customs no longer support this function since 01.04.2017!

The eFile tab is integrated in the IMP tab History.
After you have received the ATB number (status 930 or 934) you can assign documents per ATB number and ATB file if you have the required eFile authorization 

IMP → History → documents per ATB no. + Add file:

The documents can be sent to IMP via Send this decree in the context menu on the Overview tab.
These documents are only available to customs.
You can transmit up to five documents in the PDF format of up to 1MB each.

However, customs authorities prefer a cumulated PDF per ATB file (decree).

You can refer to these documents in the customs request (Freier Verkehr).

To do so, enter CLOUDATB150 or CLOUDATA000 in the Container no. field of the Container tab.
The documents should be made available to IMP before submission of the customs request (provisional or final).

The document upload is subject to charge and must be part of your contract with the Dakosy AG.
Your participant must be configured accordingly.