History tab in IMP
Display of status messages
Which status messages are displayed can be configured in the basic data.
The History tab can be divided into two aprts:
The upper section displays status messages and
the lower section displays details about the ATB number.
This requires the status 930 (SumA provisionally) or status 934 (SumA confirmed).
The columns on the History tab are a grid area.
You are thus able to sort and save the columns as necessary.
To open a report for the current shipment line/container, open the context menu in the upper section and select Print history.
The report contains the reference number, container or shipment number as well as all existing statuses including details from the ATB number (if available).
This is the same report as on the Forms tab.
Transmission file (XML format)
The transmitted file is displayed on the History tab → Detailed view message.
This display requires that you use the eFile and that you have installed the Internet Explorer.
Details about the ATB number
The ATB number is displayed int he lower section of the History tab.
This depends on the status you have received.
You can copy the ATB number to the clipboard via the local menu.
This function only copies the number without any further details.