Routing - middle section

Routing - middle section


Links to further information

Basic data

Section Carrier




Example/basic data/link



Example/basic data/link


Once the carrier is entered in the AWB Main tab, the address of the carrier is drawn from the master data.

The carrier address is printed in the MAWB.
This entry consists of the 2-digit or 3-digit carrier code, e.g. LH or 020 for Lufthansa. The 2-digit code is saved.

In MAWBs, this carrier controls the assignment of the MAWB number from the correspondign AWB stock.

Edit carrier

To edit the carrier address, activate the Edit Carrier checkbox on the AWB Control tab. 

→ The address field is switched to editable.

Activate Edit carrier modifies the fields into the edit function.




This checkbox is enabled if eAWB transmission is enabled in the carrier (→ FWB).

→ eAWB transmission setup


If the field eAWB is activated, the field eFreight from the dropdown list can be filled here.

This is the selection for sending the AWB in the eFreight procedure. 

Enter one of the eFreight codes EAP or EAW to prioritize the AWB print settings for EAP/EAW over the actual AWB type. 

eFreight always uses the AWB layout L08 (Crystal Report).

If there are no basic data entries for the eFreight codes, the program will not generate a physical print when you trigger the AWB print in F6 menu but save the AWB in the eFile instead (if recorded in the form).

The program takes the settings of the AWB type and form into account when saving the AWB in the eFile.

If you have determined that the AWB print inserts a status in the file (status events), the status will be inserted even if the AWB is only saved in the eFile and not printed.

Enter eFreight code EAP to automatically pre-assign the checkbox Print pouchlabel in the F6 menu of the master file.

→ AWB prints tab in AIR Parameter

→ Close AWB - F6

→ eFile tab in the order

→ Status tab in the order

→ Save forms in the eFile in FORMS

→ Status events in Status types in ADMIN


The Service is also used for the rate determination.

Your own service is used for entry (use as per customer rates).

Search for service types in AIRFREIGHT → RATES → SERVICE TYPES.


The GSA (General Sales Agent) through whom the booking is carried out.

The program uses the GSA to determine the net rate (MAWBs).
The accrual is also booked on the GSA, provided that the GSA does not invoice via CASS.

GSA name tab in CARRIER


Section flight data

Without gateway fields



Example/basic data/link



Example/basic data/link


Up to 3 lines can be recorded in the flight data.


The Routing provides 3 lines for the entry of flights.

Enter the 1st destination in the 1st flight line.
→ This line is the only one to be filled in a direct flight.

If you would like to enter more than one flight, enter the 1st via flight into the 1st line.
Activate the checkbox next to the second flight line to make its fields editable.
You can now enter flight 2 and, if necessary, flight 3.

Note text field about the carrier.



Here: Carrier for the flight line.

Different carriers can be entered per flight.

Flight no.

Note: The Number field may only contain the actual flight numberwithout carrier code.

  • The flight number in the AWB consists of the entries in the fields by and Number.

Search flight

  • Context menu → Search flight → You can search for flights recorded in the Consol flight plan and accept one into the file.

  • When searching by double-clicking in the field, a Consol flight plan is displayed as a search result, if available.



The Departure field is pre-assigned through the branch of the current user → Text tab in AIR PARAMETER.

  • Another preallocation can be made from the Shipper address field (A1) → Airfreight sub tab in ADDRESSES → Field Airport.

  • Enter the IATA code → search in the master data AIR FREIGHT → AIRPORTS.



Departure date and time.

  • The program will issue an error message if the departure or arrival date has not been filled.

The entry in the Date field may refer to the departure date (1st flight) or arrival date.

  • Enter D+/- days to refer to the departure date (ETD).

  • Enter A+/- days to refer to the arrival date (ETA).


Time of flight.


Enter the IATA code.

The required field to is pre-assigned if the consignee address box contains an address with an entry of an airport.

Notes as memo button before To:
Information about the airport stored in the master data AIRPORT → AIRPORTS → Remarks tab.


Arrival date at destination airport.



Time of arrival.



Text field for the country.


EU checkmark

This checkbox indicates that a flight is leaving the EU.

This flight will be transmitted to ZAPP-Air for the departure message.

Use the plus to add a line in the flight data, and the minus to remove one. 

The key combinations ALT+A / ALT+L are also possible.

With gateway fields

Additional fields in HAWB

In a HAWB the fields

  • MAWB No. (header)

  • Gateway

  • TM ID

  • TM printed

are additionally displayed in the AWB Main tab.








In the field MAWB-No. you can manually enter the MAWB number of the House AWB.

This number is printed when you print the HAWB.

As soon as you have added the HAWB to a Consol, the HAWB no. of the Consol is entered or updated and the field will turn gray, i.e. non-editable.


Assign the shipment to a Gateway → Gateway Airfreight Export

By default, the Gateway field in Airfreight Export orders (HAWB and IATA) can no longer be edited after the truck manifest has been created.
If this field should always be editable, the following global setting must be activated: Key: Gateway_Edit / Value: Y
If you would like to use this function, please get in touch with your contact person at CargoSoft.

→ Create truck manifest

Manifest printed

Displays the status of whether the truck manifest in which this file is located has already been printed. → Print or send Truck manifest.


Manifest ID

Truck manifest ID on which the file was loaded. → Truck manifest in the Airfreight menu in the order.