eFile tab in the order

eFile tab in the order


Basic data

Related pages

  • eFile is an application in the menu Send to


Deposit forms in the eFile manually

The eFile command is located in Send to in the file menu.

You can only manually save forms in the eFile if the checkbox Dialogue → eFile in the Forms basic data is NOT active.

If you have activated Print per CargoCom in the Forms basic data, you can store the document in the eFile via CargoCom by using the entry Send to eFile.

Click Send to → eFile to open the corresponding Windows standard mask:

Here you can select a file that you would like to add.
Confirm your selection by clicking Open. The selected item is now added to your file.
The time is based on the upload of the file into the CSV system, which automatically sets different dates.
If required, enter remarks or a different category. If you would like to transfer the data to the SCM/CRM/C2C system, activate the relevant checkboxes.

Double click on the file name to open and double check the document
If this file (or the suffix) is linked to an application, the relevant program opens and you can view the file.

Files that were accepted by mistake can be deleted from the file - this requires an authorization.

Form name of the form stored in eFile

Form name/title in eFile

In the Forms master data, it is possible to specify a title for the filing.

Select the eFile title/comments field in the form header data here.

If this form is filed in the eFile, the values of the placeholders from the order are automatically written to the Title/Remarks field.

If the eFile Title/Remarks field in the form is empty, the form name is written to the Title/Remarks field as usual.

(Previously, when a form was stored in the eFile, the form name was automatically stored in the Title/Remark field).

Documents with multiple files

For documents with multiple files (e.g. QM-card or bills of lading), the system saves every document separately in the eFile. Every document receives the serial number (eFile ID) as file name.

Send documents from the eFile via Email

Documents stored in the eFile can be sent via e-mail.
Select the relevant documents. Press and hold CTRL to select multiple documents.

Click the Email button or File menu → Send to → Email.

Copy e-mails from outlook into the eFile

Via drag & drop you can save e-mails from outlook in the eFile.

In basic data COMPANY → MAIL you can configure whether or not email attachments are to be stored separately.

Save CS emails in efile

If the Save CS emails in eFile checkbox is activated (General company parameters → Specials tab), emails generated by the 4gl background process are saved in the corresponding position in the eFile with the CS-MAILS form category.


Save CS emails in efile via EDI interface

If status e-mails are generated via the standard EDI interfaces, these are stored in the eFile of the main file or the service order if the checkbox Save CS e-mails in eFile is activated.

  • The emails are filed in the category entered in the CS Emails form category field.

  • If no category is entered, the ALLG category for General is used by default.

Select form category

The form category for the document can be selected in 2 manners.

Dropdown list in the Category field

You can select the category in the dropdown selection.

Search field function in the Category field

Double click on the Category field to open a search mask.

Emails that are stored in the eFile of an order are automatically assigned the Mail category.
→ This cannot be changed and is the same for all emails.

An adjustment has been made for emails that are sent from the TMS.

There is a field in Company → General company parameter → Specials tab: Form category for CS emails (fk_formkat_mail).
Here you can set the category with which an email that is sent from the TMS is stored in the eFile.

  • If no value is stored, the system uses the value in Company → eFileField Autom. Categrory.

  • If both fields are empty, the category in the eFile remains empty and must be maintained manually if necessary.

  • The form category for CS emails field is preset with the value Mail via script and the Mail category is created in Admin → Forms → Form categories.

Correct time stamp in case of different time zones

Clients in other time zones have the option to correct the time stamp for documents on the eFile tab. This applies to the document date as well as the file date.

The corresponding setting is available in basic data COMPANY → EFILE Local time difference (min.).

If this field is not filled, the eFile automatically uses the local time.

Open file from eFile: File directory

When opening a file from the eFile it is checked whether this file is already open/locked.
In this case, a number is appended to the file name, e.g. Scan.pdf → Scan (1).pdf, Scan (2).pdf.

At the file selection window Add eFile and Save eFile the TMS remembers the directory last used for each user.

This directory is also proposed to the user in the following menus:

The eFile Temp Directory is: % TEMP%\CargoSoft\TempeFile

The directory is created automatically when the program starts, if it does not already exist.

Versioning of documents in d.3 hybrid mode

If the eFile is not connected to an external archiving system, the documents are saved in the eFile with a version and a positive eFile-ID.
If the eFile is running in d.3 mode (Connected system=d3 in eFile in COMPANY), there is a hybrid mode.

  • This means that documents can be stored normally in the eFile or in the external d.3 archiving system.

Where the documents are archived in each case can be seen from the eFile ID of the documents::

  • eFile-ID positive: CargoSoft e-files

  • eFile-ID negative: d.3-eFile

Another difference is that documents that are stored in the d.3 archive cannot be saved as versioned.

If there are now documents in an eFile that were archived in d.3 and documents that were normally stored in the eFile (these are usually older documents), the system behaves as follows with regard to versioning:

  • If the connected system = 'd3' and eFile-ID positive> Document is loaded with version

  • If the connected system = 'd3' and eFile-ID negative> Document is loaded without a version