Persons in ADMIN

Persons in ADMIN

Authorization object: STAPERSONEN


Topic in the order

Compliance check for persons

The compliance check for the PERSONS menu is part of the compliance interface.
→ This requires an udpate of the CargoService.

Addresses can only be entered if a number range for the address number has been recorded in Number ranges in ADMIN.
→ This number range must be entered with year and month 0 and the departments Dummy.

This number range must then be entered in the compliance basic data (COMPANY → COMPLIANCE).
→ Since the person basic data are valid across clients, you can only enter one number range for all clients

This number range must be entered the same way for all clients in the compliance basic data.
If you enter or edit addresses, these are sent automatically to the compliance server once you save.

Select the local menu item Check addresses for compliance to manually send selected addresses to the compliance server. 
Select the datasets that you would like to send by activating their checkboxes.
The compliance server returns the value for the hit probability.
This value is entered into the respective address.

Air security

Please fill the following fields in order to record all data required for the background check in accordance with §7 LuftSiG (Aviation security):

  • Check according to

  • Approval granted on

  • Approval valid until

  • Remark

Email notification about expiry of the validity

If an end date for the validity of the compliance check has been recorded, you can have a background program (CargoService) issue an email notification prior to the expiry of the validity period, e.g. 3 months prior. This time frame can be configured in the interface. The warning will list all persons for whom the validity will expire in e.g. 3 months or less.

In the interface you can configure how often this email ought to be issued, e.g. daily.

The emails are sent to a mailing list recorded in the basic data COMPANY → COMPLIANCE in the field Email address 1.

On expiry of the entered date, the employee is automatically deactivated in the basic data (mitarb_t.kz_historie = J), provided that the login of the employee has been recorded in the persons.
This is also carried out by a background pgoram (4gl).

Authorization objects for other programs


Authorization object


Authorization object

Position in company




Dashboard: search for persons