Collective Incoming invoices
- 1 Enter voucher header data only - no voucher items
- 2 Book the single items through the departments
- 3 Information on rounding differences of tax amounts
- 4 Further booking of the voucher
- 5 Booking a collective incoming invoice with accruals
- 6 Recording a collective incoming invoice in one step
- 7 Data of collective incoming invoice was read from Excel file
Links to further information
Enter voucher header data only - no voucher items
To enter a collective incoming invoice, the following data is entered first in the header data:
Voucher type
Invoicing party
Ref./Invoice no.
Voucher date
Accounting period (if required)
Payment term (if required)
Total amount of the collective invoice
Tax amount of the entire invoice
→ It is possible that some transports are tax-free, while others are taxable.
→ This is the reason why this field is a mere entry field - there is no calculation rule that corrects the total amount to a certain percentage.
These data are also recorded and saved by an employee.
The further processing can be performed by employees in other branches and departments after transferring the voucher number.
In the voucher items, the system assigns the individual amounts to the respective files and records them line-by-line. Both the billing types and tax-free and taxable amounts might differ per file.
The sum of tax amounts is offset against the tax amount in the header data. After the calculation, all amounts of the header data and of the individual files must align. Otherwise, the voucher is only saved, but not booked.
The invoice can therefore be transferred from one specialist department to another. The voucher number is always saved, but is not transferred to the financial accounting until the booking is done.
Book the single items through the departments
For the further processing, the files are forwarded to specialist departments, which can also be located in different branches of the company.
The existing invoice can be opened by entering the noted voucher number on the Search criteria tab.
The existing voucher can be opened in the search criteria by means of the voucher number.
The employee responsible enters the File number, Activity type, and Individual amount into the voucher items.
One transport is tax-free, while the other is taxable.
Please mark the taxable amount with the tax key VAT deposited for the tax amount → you can search for tax keys in the field.
Search for tax key:
Please keep in mind that this is an input tax key à indicated with a J in the Input tax key field.
The voucher is then saved by the last employee.
Information on rounding differences of tax amounts
When the invoice is saved, the system internally calculates and adds the individual tax amounts per billing line and compares it with the total tax amount from the header data.
The difference must not exceed a rounding difference determined in advance (field Rounding difference in COMPANY → FINANCIAL INTERFACE → Accounts/Allocation tab).
The file is only saved and the voucher number is assigned for the post-editing, but not booked.
Further booking of the voucher
Please select the context menu item Add line to record a new, blank line.
The fields Billing code and Activity type enable to search for basic data entries.
Please take the tax amount and tax key into consideration.
After these have been entered, this invoice is balanced and can be booked.
After you have saved and reopened the file, the voucher is greyed out and indicated with the Booked indicator.
Booking a collective incoming invoice with accruals
Many companies usually work with accruals.
In this case, accruals have already been recorded via the master file, which have been distributed to the sub files/consol files via cost splitting (accruals) before the invoice arrives.
When booking the invoice, the accruals distributed to the sub files are displayed per file and need to be dissolved accordingly.
The following image shows a collective invoice with accruals:
Recording a collective incoming invoice in one step
In the voucher files, the individual amounts are distributed to the respective files with different billing codes.
The sum of all individual amounts and the total amount in the header data offset one another.
The invoice is hereby booked.
Data of collective incoming invoice was read from Excel file
An Excel file was read via the program Open accruals Excel-import format in Controlling → Environment.
→ The single amounts were distributed to the sub files/consol files.
→ Accruals were set against this.
→ The conformity indicator was automatically set to U in each line.
→ The invoice can be saved and booked.