Profit share Airfreight (Entry profit share AIR)
Profit share Airfreight (Entry profit share AIR)
Cost splitting field in the Invoicing header data
To issue a profit share voucher switch to the Invoicing tab → Overview tab in the order and select the entry Create voucher in the context menu.
In the Voucher header data tab select Profitshare AIR from the dropdown list in the Cost splitting field.
When changing to Profitshare AIR in the airfreight, it is checked whether the bill-to-party matches the DES agent.
→ If not, a query asking for whether the bill-to-party should be automatically changed, appears:
After the selection of Profitshare AIR, the Profit share tab will appear between the tabs Goods description and Voucher items.
When changing to the tab Profit share, 3 new sub tabs MAWB, HAWB and Overview will appear on the bottom.
, multiple selections available,