CAF profit share AIR (Field Cost splitting)
There is the option of storing billing types in the basic data, which are proposed when the Profit share AIR are created → pls see Set up CAF profit share AIR.
Besides the standard percent value, exceptions can be deposited for certain clients.
For example, the division for the profit is always 50% for an agent, the profit is not to be divided for special clients.
This can be adjusted via classifications.The profit should be reduced by certain amounts.
For example, transport costs accrue, which have to be subtracted from the profit.
For this, there is the CAF Charges table, with which such costs can be automatically pre-assigned per HAWB.It also provides the option to post the recorded billing types for the reduction of the profit in CargoSoft separately.
Internal Vouchers can be created, which show expenses on the HAWB file, as well as revenues on the dummy file (counter entry).→ The internal vouchers are not transferred to the financial accounts department.