Profit sharing Seafreight

Profit sharing Seafreight


Basic data

Links to further information

COMPANY → INVOICING → Administration tab

A billing code needs to be deposited in the basic data COMPANY → INVOICING for the automatic creation of the billing lines.

For this, there is the area Billing codes for profit share on the Administration tab – distinguishing between seafreight and airfreight, as well as invoice and credit note.


Carry out the profit sharing seafreight

The profit sharing is carried out in the Invoicing tab in the order on the Voucher header data tab.

Create a new voucher  in the context menu of the Invoicing tabOverview tab

Select the entry Profitshare in the field Cost splitting (= split amounts).

  • When selecting the entry Profitshare, an additional tab Profit share will open in the invoicing between the tabs Goods description and Voucher items.

  • When selecting Profitshare, the Agent is selected as the voucher recipient.

  • The currency from the header data is essential for the currency for the profit share.

    → No other currency can be recorded for the profit share!


Profitshare tab

When changing the tabs and first opening the Profit share tab, the OBL no. is loaded to the file and the belonging HBL numbers are automatically displayed.

If no data could be found, the mask remains blank. However, any lines can be added manually.

Division ratio: The split ratio can also be entered here → 50:50 is selected by default.

Basis (Dropdown field without name): Required field is the basis for the division of the costs as well as for the cost splitting!


  • Volume

  • chargeable weight

  • Freight tons

  • Weight

  • Quantity

  • manually

The type of the division is the same for all core data.
After the change of the value, the value is equated for all lines in this section.
The section is a roll area and can be expanded by adding lines.





Bill. code and text

A billing code must be selected first, from which the name is automatically loaded from the basic data and afterwards suggested.

The long text can be edited and is visible on the future print.

Revenues Own

Own total revenues → shown under the first total line as the first field subtotal.

Revenues Agent

Total revenues of the agent → shown as the second subtotal field under the first total line.

Expenses Own

Own total expenses → shown as the third subtotal field under the first total line.

Expenses Agent

Total expenses of the agent → shown as the fourth field subtotal below the first total line.

Basis (mandatory field)

In the mandatory field, select the basis for the distribution of revenues and expenses → CBM, CW, FRT, KG, PCS, manually.

→ Revenues and expenses can be recorded in these core data – but they do not have to.

Breakdown of revenues and expenses in the line items


The next section is meant for the distribution of the costs to the belonging HBL numbers.

This is the main section.

→ The files are either suggested automatically or can be recorded manually by adding lines.

→ It is important that the files recorded here have an own account sheet, i.e. either are a main file or were created during the split with an account sheet!





File no.

The sub file or HBL number belonging to the OBL.

Is automatically listed after splitting and can be manually entered or removed.

HB/L no.

Display of HBL number

Revenues/Expenses (Own/Agent)

Optional recording of the revenues and expenses that was made on this file, each divided into the own branch and the agent.

% (Basis)

Percentage distribution of the profit/loss to the individual files based on the total profit of the own branch AND the agent.

Displayed under the first total line as a fifth subtotal field.

100% Profit

Subtotal Column 100% Profit

Total share of the profit/loss applying to the file/the HBL → WITHOUT considering the dividing ratio.
→ Displayed as a monetary amount.

The total profit/loss of the OBL is displayed under the first total line.

Book value

Subtotal column Book value

The column Book value displays the share of profit/loss of the OWN BRANCH that - considering the dividing datio - applies to this file/HBL.

This balance is calculated and displayed in the footer area. You might need to scroll down in the footer area.

The proportional book value concerns the profit/loss of the own branch, without regarding the agents profit/loss.
→ See bottom field Balance under the second total line.

Weight- and volume details

Informative display of the proportional calculation basis.

Data check on the voucher items tab

Switch to the Voucher items tab.

When the profit share is completely recorded, you can switch to the Voucher items tab.
Here, the data from the profit share are checked.

Depending on the indication of the balance value, an invoice or a credit note is created from this voucher.

The voucher type is automatically changed if necessary → An information window will appear.  

A billing line is created automatically.
→ The billing code is loaded from the COMPANY → INVOICING.

The currency is accepted from the voucher header data and the balance value is accepted as a fixed invoice value.

At this point, only text lines and no additional billing lines with other amounts are allowed to be entered into the voucher items.  

A print of this profit share is automatically created when saving the invoice.

For the reprint of this profit share, there is the menu point Print profit share in the context menu on the Overview tab.

If no profit share was recorded for a voucher, no print is carried out.

General information

When splitting the amounts, only one of the two methods cost splitting OR profit sharing can be saved!

When saving, it is additionally checked which selection was made in the header data of the voucher in the field Cost splitting:

  • No division

  • Cost splitting

  • Profit share

Only this one option is saved!

All other recorded data are – e.g. when changing a voucher – explicitly deleted.

If more than 100 files are found during the cost splitting, a warning appears, asking whether the process is to be continued.

In this cases, the OBL/MAWB number might be filled with a Dummy value.