Field OK = Conformity indicator

Field OK = Conformity indicator


Basic data

Links to further information

In the case that the accrual amount does NOT comply with the amount of the incoming invoice OR only part of the accrual is to be dissolved by the posting of the incoming invoice, there are different indicators that meet the needs of all differences and can be used for each posting.

Please enter the Voucher type, File number, and Address number of the invoicing party into the header data of the payable.
→ The system checks against these three criteria if an accrual has been recorded.

After you press the TAB key, named fields will be greyed out. All matching recorded accruals are displayed in the voucher item section.

→ You then actively work with the field U = conformity indicator to decide on the voucher item.

Usage of the conformity indicator

Dissolving the accrual in the voucher items means, the reset amount is posted exactly against the amount of the incoming invoice and the accrual is thus dissolved, or a decision is made about an existing difference between the accrual and the incoming invoice amount.

With the conformity indicator at the end of each line in the voucher items, you can decide for each amount how to deal with deviating accrual amounts.

Conformity indicator


Effects on the accrual

Conformity indicator


Effects on the accrual




The payable corresponds with the accrual.

The accrual is dissolved.




The payable is examined and saved.
All entered information remain and will be marked at a later time.

The accrual remains.



Accepted difference.
→ The employee needs to have the respective authorization.

The accrual is dissolved.
The difference is listed.



Partial invoice/Partial dissolution.
→ The employee needs to have the respective authorization.

The accrual is reduced by the amount of the payable.
The difference remains as a remainder/payable for another accrual.



Within the tolerance limits.
This limitation is defined in the basic data COMPANY → INVOICING → Extras tab → Fields Tolerance: ….

The accrual is dissolved.
The difference is listed in a protocol.




For the setting Incoming invoice with accruals only in Incoming invoice tab in INVOICING in COMPANY.

U = Booking against dissolution of accrual

Please enter the voucher date and the total amount of the invoice and switch to the voucher items.  

All fields in the voucher items are filled through the display of the accrual.

→ The conformity indicator is automatically inserted into the OK field because the total amount of the invoice corresponds with the accrued sum of the accrual.

The voucher can now be booked. The accrual is thereby automatically dissolved.

Stop processing:
If the recorded voucher is not to be saved because certain information are incorrect, please select the context menu item Stop processing to clear the mask.

T = Booking against partial dissolution of accrual

If a payable is issued for a total amount that does not correspond with the displayed amount of the created accrual, the employee needs to use the conformity indicator OK to decide what will happen with the accrual.
→ The OK field will become a blank required field.

Partial dissolution of accrual or only saving the voucher

If the voucher should be saved without the conformity indicator being set, an information message will appear, stating that only SAVING, but not BOOKING, is possible.
You can now press the Cancel button to reopen the voucher processing and to continue to edit the voucher.

If the remaining amount of the accrual (in this example 100,00 EUR) is to remain while only the partial amount (150,00 EUR) is to be booked against the payable, the conformity indicator needs to be filled with T = Partial invoice.

When saving, the voucher number is automatically assigned and the voucher is booked.

The remaining amount (100,00 EUR) remains as an accrual for this file number and this invoicing party. It is displayed again with the next matching invoice and can be dissolved.

Overview of this accrual in the account sheet

You have two options to open the account sheet of the file that has just been charged:

  • Payables → Process voucher tab → Context menu → Open file

  • Environment menu → Controlling → Account sheets → enter the edited file number.

Press F3 to display the account sheet of the file including all tabs for the accrual.
The tab Overview accruals enables to view the creation and partial dissolution of the accrual as well as the remaining amount.  

Display in open accruals

The amount of 300,00 EUR remains on the Open accruals tab:

A = Accepted difference between accrual and invoice amount 

If the created accrual does not cover the total amount of the payable or if the accrual exceeds the total amount of the payable, the user can accept this difference with the respective authorization.
This completely dissolves the accrual.

Case 1: accrual does not cover the invoice amount

Case 2: accrual exceeds the invoice amount

After having saved, both accruals will be set to 0,00.

Display of an A-accrual in the open accruals

Display in overview accruals

D = Difference lies within the tolerance limits

Tolerate differences

The basic data offer a function that tolerates small differences between the invoiced and accrued amount and thereby makes the accrual reversible.
This facilitates completely reversing accruals when booking payables.

For example: Currency conversions can result in such differences in cent range due to deviating current or vessel R.O.E.s.

The setting of the difference tolerance is located in the basic data COMPANY → INVOICING → Extras tab → Fields Tolerance: Difference as value and Tolerance: Difference in percentage.

Furthermore the Tolerance field exists in the basic data Activity types in INVOICING and in the Additional sub tab in the Accounting sub tab in ADDRESSES.


Priority to determine tolerances

1 ADDRESSES: First, the basic data ADDRESS → Accounting tabsub tab Additional is checked to see whether anything has been stored here.

2 ACTIVITY TYPES: If nothing is stored in the address, it is checked whether there is a tolerance for the activity type.

3 INVOICING IN COMPANY: If nothing is stored in the activity type either, a check is made to determine whether a tolerance is stored in the basic data FAKTURA in COMPANY on the Extras tab.

The settings from these fields are calculated when booking a payable if accruals have been created.

If the accrual does not correspond with the amount to be booked, you need to set a conformity indicator.
By means of the tolerated difference from the basic data, the system calculates the difference and releases the booking if the difference lies within the tolerance limits.

If the difference exceeds the difference limits, a CargoSoft information message will appear.

A difference of EUR 3,00 between the total amount of the invoice and the accrual amount arose during the booking of the payable.
The tolerance for seafreight orders in the basic data is EUR 5,00.

→ The conformity indicator in the order is therefore automatically set to D as soon as the Effective amount field is filled.

Display on the Overview accruals tab in the account sheet

C = Only for payables with accruals

Authorization object: FAKEINMITRST

The conformity code C (=check) is only used, if the checkbox Process payables with accruals only in the basic data COMPANY → INVOICING → Incoming invoice tab is marked.

Then, incoming vouchers without accruals may only be saved, but not posted.


Blank = Only saving the voucher

When saving the dataset, the accruals and entered accruals remain.

To open only saved (non-posted) vouchers

Checking and booking the saved voucher

The voucher no. 112 selected in the example was saved with the information on the invoicing party, the file number, and the amount of EUR 260,00.

The accrual entered in the file comes to EUR 250,00.

Please check these information and select the reason for the difference with the conformity indicator OK.

Next, please select the context menu command Save voucher.

By filling the last required field in this voucher (OK), the voucher is finally booked instead of only saved.