Invoice reference cancellation is displayed in the incoming voucher

Invoice reference cancellation is displayed in the incoming voucher

Basic data

After processing of the cancellation incoming voucher by CargoCom, the cancellation invoice reference number is accepted into the field Posting note, while the original invoice reference of the incoming invoice is displayed as invoice reference in the cancellation, as before.

Alternatively, a different field in the incoming voucher for the cancellation invoice reference can be set in the Global Settings.

This can be defined either for a specific client or for all clients.

For one client ( i.e. client 001):
INSERT INTO global_sett_t (schluessel, wert) VALUES('EINGANGSFAKTURACC_STORNO_RECHREFERENZ001',color:red}Textfeldname;

For all clients:
INSERT INTO global_sett_t (schluessel, wert) VALUES('EINGANGSFAKTURACC_STORNO_RECHREFERENZ',(Textfeldname)

ATTENTION: In the automatic incoming voucher processing, a correct assignment of the cancellation vouchers to the original vouchers is necessary.