Set up CAF profit share AIR

Set up CAF profit share AIR


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A voucher number is necessary for the internal vouchers.
A separate voucher number is also necessary for the Profit Share voucher of the type No profit because no real credit note or invoice is written to the agent.

→ Please create a new number range and enter the desired starting value.

COMPANY → INVOICING → Number range tab

→ Please enter your number range into the field CAF Vouchers.


Create CAF accounts and dummy files for the counter booking

If the costs are to be posted as Internal vouchers, CargoSoft requires a dummy file number for the counter booking as well as the creditor and debtor numbers.

The posting occurs on the HAWB files as expenditures, on a dummy file of the Consol department as revenue.

Select Charges tab in AIR Parameter → The settings in the AIR PARAMETER are therefore to be made as follows:

Branch of the consol file:

  • Depositing the dummy file for the counter booking

  • Depositing the creditor for the booking of the expenditure in the HAWB files

Branch of the HAWB file:

  • Depositing the debtor for the booking of the revenue in the dummy file

Dummy file for the counter booking:

Create a file. It does not matter in which department or in which sector.



Authorization object: STACAFCHARGES

CAF-Charges = Costs that are subtracted from the profit or posted as internal vouchers. 

The billing codes deposited here are pre-assigned for all Profit Share versions.

These are:

  • CAF Percent

  • Break Bulk

  • No Profit

  • Profit Share AIR

Automatic proposal per HAWB

A basic data table allows the storage of billing types that are proposed when the air freight profit share is created.

→ The proposal is made per HAWB on the HAWB sub tab.


Deposit the agreements for the agents

The agreements per client are deposited in the address of the agent.

The same preallocation options are in the order in the menu Extras → ADDRESSES → ADDRESSES → Agent tab.

Three options are available in the field Profit Share Type:

  • Record the percentage share for the agent for the option Profit Share Percent.

  • Or the fixed price per HAWB for the version Break Bulk.

  • The field one-third can be set for the percentage option. 1/3 profit (33,33%) of the total profit is calculated for the agent.

ADDRESSES → ADDRESSES → General tab → Classifications sub tab

Special Agreement (no profit for special clients)

So that a different percentage or value can be taken into consideration for clients with a certain classification, please record the classification with the agreed value, e.g. 0.

In CargoSoft, this function is solved via the classification, which can be used at various points in the basic data.

ATTENTION: First enter the classification on the Agent tab in the agents address with the agreed amount in the percentage/value field.

THEN: The classification in the customer address is assigned in ADDRESSES → ADDRESSES on the General tab → Classifications sub tab.